Regisseur Wes Ball über das “Maze Runner”-Sequel

Empire hatte die Gelegenheit sich mit Regisseur Wes Ball über dessen kommendes Sequel zu The Maze Runner zu unterhalten, das unter dem Titel The Scorch Trials oder Die Auserwählten in der Brandwüste erscheinen wird. Ball hat bereits den ersten Teil inszeniert und ihm wurde vom Studio das Vertrauen entgegen gebracht, nun auch Teil 2 zu drehen. Mit Empire sprach er darüber, was wir vom zweiten Teil erwarten können.

I think that they're out of the frying pan into the fire, and they're adventures are just beginning. It's definitely a cool world, kind of ravaged by the sun, so everything's kind of burned and that's why it's called The Scorch. But it's also full of very hostile people, including creatures they have to meet up and deal with. What was kind of appealing to me was that it didn't have to be a rehash of the first film, we got to go into a completely different look, a different kind of environment, and different threats altogether, but to still tell the story of these characters we fell in love with from the first movie.

Er vergleicht den zweiten Teil mit Das Imperium schlägt zurück. Vor allem was die Veränderungen in der Größe der Produktion anbelangt.

Obviously certain parts of it were easier this time, which was fun. But in terms of scope, it's huge. I saw it as the Empire Strikes Back of this three- movie series and there are a ton of locations and a lot of action that happens, and it's that middle instalment of that three story arc, especially the way it starts, because we're thrown into the action and right where the last one left off with these kids in a helicopter and they go off to the next thing in a dramatic way. It's exciting to just jump into this thing.

Zugleich erzählt er von der treue zur Buchvorlage und das man sich Freiheiten bezüglich der Filmadaptionen nimmt.

We didn't approach this as a straight adaptation of the second book, we approached it more as using the same ingredients but using slightly different recipe. So things from the first book end up in the second movie and there are things in the second book we're saving for a third movie.

Zuletzt weicht er der Frage aus, ob er nicht auch den dritten und letzten Teil von The Maze Runner inszenieren wollen würde.

We'll see. I don't want to say anything yet! I wasn't planning on making the second movie right away, but I couldn't deny wanting to work with this cast again and keep making the story. I'll be involved forever, and feel like I should be a custodian, whether I direct the next one or not.

Was haltet ihr von Wes Balls Kommentaren zu The Maze Runner - Die Auserwählten in der Brandwüste und seid ihr am 24. September dieses Jahres dabei, wenn der Film in die deutschen Kinos kommt?

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