Pokhara ist die zweitgroesste Stadt in Nepal und liegt an einem wunderschoenen See. Das Zentrum der eigentlichen Stadt befindet sich eher noerdlich der Touristenzone. Dort befindet sich ebenfalls das Ausbildungszentrum der beruehmt-beruechtigen Ghorka Soldaten, die von der britischen Armee ausgebildet werden. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine Spezialeinheit, die urspruenglich aus Maennern aus der Umgebung des Gorkha-Forts bestand, welche sich schon vor den Weltkriegen zu Zeiten des Commonwealth als besonders tapfere, entschlossene und loyale Kaempfer bewiesen haben. Zu den Auserkorenen zu gehoeren, ist nach wie vor aeusserst beliebt unter jungen Nepalesen, nicht zuletzt wegen der guten Besoldung. Diese Fremdenlegion der Briten hat ganz bestimmt kein Nachwuchsproblem.Da es Monsunzeit ist und die meisten Aktivitaeten draussen stattfinden wuerden, verbringen wir die Zeit eher mit Lesen als Wandern. Bei Sonnenschein jedoch kommt das Panorama der Berge sowie die Weltfriedenspagode voll zum Tragen.
Pokhara is the second biggest city in Nepal and is situated at a beautiful lake. The actual center of the city is located a bit further north of the tourist zone. It's just across the narrow but deep gorge where the recruitment center of the British ghorkas has it's headquarters. The Ghorkas are special forces which consisted originally of of young men from the region around the Ghorka fort, which have already proven bravery and determination even before the world wars during the common wealth. To be among the chosen ones is still very appreciated by young Nepalese men, also because of the good payment. This foreign legion of the Brits has certainly no problem finding new blood.Since it is rainy season here and most of the activities around Pokhara are outdoor ones, we spend more time reading books than hiking around. However, when the sun shows up the views on the mountains and the world peace pagoda are just gorgeous.
Pokhara is the second biggest city in Nepal and is situated at a beautiful lake. The actual center of the city is located a bit further north of the tourist zone. It's just across the narrow but deep gorge where the recruitment center of the British ghorkas has it's headquarters. The Ghorkas are special forces which consisted originally of of young men from the region around the Ghorka fort, which have already proven bravery and determination even before the world wars during the common wealth. To be among the chosen ones is still very appreciated by young Nepalese men, also because of the good payment. This foreign legion of the Brits has certainly no problem finding new blood.Since it is rainy season here and most of the activities around Pokhara are outdoor ones, we spend more time reading books than hiking around. However, when the sun shows up the views on the mountains and the world peace pagoda are just gorgeous.