Paris Hilton: Wie man aus einem Gerichtsurteil eine Publicityshow macht

47693, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Friday November 19, 2010. Paris Hilton, wearing a diamond Chanel necklace, arrives to do community service with the Hollywood Beautification Team. The socialite and heiress is seen trading her leather jacket and lowcut striped top for a standard yellow t-shirt featuring the organization's logo. Hilton helped other volunteers paint over graffiti found on the walls, some featuring graffiti with MS-13 markings, allegedly by the Mara Salvatrucha 13, gang. Hilton was being documented by several cameras throughout her community service work, and also never changed out of her off her black stiletto heels. She was seen several hours later signing a document that reportedly confirmed her community service hours. Before leaving, Hilton was assisted with putting on a band-aid on her finger. The heiress looked to be in good spirits after her day's work, not seeming to care that she had paint stains on her pants and heels! Photograph: Sam Sharma / Nate Jones,
Im September wurde Hotelerbin Paris Hilton wegen Drogenbesitz und Widerstand gegen einen Polizisten für schuldig erklärt und zu gemeinnütziger Arbeit verdonnert.
Damit musste sie nun diese Woche beginnen - und machte daraus mal wieder eine Show!
47693, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Friday November 19, 2010. Paris Hilton, wearing a diamond Chanel necklace, arrives to do community service with the Hollywood Beautification Team. The socialite and heiress is seen trading her leather jacket and lowcut striped top for a standard yellow t-shirt featuring the organization's logo. Hilton helped other volunteers paint over graffiti found on the walls, some featuring graffiti with MS-13 markings, allegedly by the Mara Salvatrucha 13, gang. Hilton was being documented by several cameras throughout her community service work, and also never changed out of her off her black stiletto heels. She was seen several hours later signing a document that reportedly confirmed her community service hours. Before leaving, Hilton was assisted with putting on a band-aid on her finger. The heiress looked to be in good spirits after her day's work, not seeming to care that she had paint stains on her pants and heels! Photograph: Sam Sharma / Nate Jones,  PacificCoastNews.com47693, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Friday November 19, 2010. Paris Hilton, wearing a diamond Chanel necklace, arrives to do community service with the Hollywood Beautification Team. The socialite and heiress is seen trading her leather jacket and lowcut striped top for a standard yellow t-shirt featuring the organization's logo. Hilton helped other volunteers paint over graffiti found on the walls, some featuring graffiti with MS-13 markings, allegedly by the Mara Salvatrucha 13, gang. Hilton was being documented by several cameras throughout her community service work, and also never changed out of her off her black stiletto heels. She was seen several hours later signing a document that reportedly confirmed her community service hours. Before leaving, Hilton was assisted with putting on a band-aid on her finger. The heiress looked to be in good spirits after her day's work, not seeming to care that she had paint stains on her pants and heels! Photograph: Sam Sharma / Nate Jones,
Hilton kam in Highheels und für ihre Maßstäbe schlichte Kleidung und sollte eine mit Graffiti beschmierte Wand wieder Weiß machen. Dabei "verletzte" sich die 29-jährige und wurde mit einem Pflaster versorgt!
47693, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Friday November 19, 2010. Paris Hilton, wearing a diamond Chanel necklace, arrives to do community service with the Hollywood Beautification Team. The socialite and heiress is seen trading her leather jacket and lowcut striped top for a standard yellow t-shirt featuring the organization's logo. Hilton helped other volunteers paint over graffiti found on the walls, some featuring graffiti with MS-13 markings, allegedly by the Mara Salvatrucha 13, gang. Hilton was being documented by several cameras throughout her community service work, and also never changed out of her off her black stiletto heels. She was seen several hours later signing a document that reportedly confirmed her community service hours. Before leaving, Hilton was assisted with putting on a band-aid on her finger. The heiress looked to be in good spirits after her day's work, not seeming to care that she had paint stains on her pants and heels! Photograph: Sam Sharma / Nate Jones,
"Arme" reiche Paris!!

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