Parcels ~ BEMYSELF (Live in New York) [Video]

Erstellt am 17. Juli 2018 von Uwe Reuß @SOULGURUsounds

Das australische, in Berlin lebende Pop-Quintett gewährt mit BEMYSELF einen neuen Einblick
in ihr kommendes Debütalbum, das noch im Laufe des Jahres erscheinen wird.

Die Band über den Song:

"BEMYSELF was the very first track we recorded together at Mesanic studios. We were all very excited to start the record with this song, as it felt right to dive into a song that really had meaning for us all lyrically; it's the message you want to tell yourself when recording your first album. The song started with a strong concept - to show our listeners a clear divide of the type of music we like to collide, being old and new. The song was to be split down the middle, starting with the 'old self', speaking of the past, with the sound of classic 60's pop. Then, abruptly transforming into something new age to go with the tone of a new confident self. We tried recording the 'new age' second part twice; It never worked out.. The second half, very last minute, turned into another song that would become the last thing we recorded.. exactly 1 year later, making it the beginning and ending of recording process for the album. It made sense to us to have bemyself as the last song of the album."

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