Outfit of the Day- a little punk-chic. Of course wearable, girly and cute. Pleated skirt by Take Two Teen combined with turtleneck sweater by Dal Lago and Hunter socks and red boots.
Outfit des Tages: ein bisschen punk-chic, aber natürlich tragbar, mädchenhaft und süß. Karierter Rock von Take Two Teen kombiniert mit grauem Rollkragenpullover von Dal Lago mit Hunter Socken und roten Gummistiefeln.
Outfit of the Day- a little punk-chic. Of course wearable, girly and cute. Pleated skirt by Take Two Teen combined with turtleneck sweater by Dal Lago and Hunter socks and red boots.
Outfit of the Day- a little punk-chic. Of course wearable, girly and cute. Pleated skirt by Take Two Teen combined with turtleneck sweater by Dal Lago and Hunter socks and red boots.