outfit – marks & spencer

If there's one single piece of clothing I can't go without during summer it's probably a good pair of palazzo pants. Honestly, this summer I literally lived in them. In all different styles and lengths. While I love a cute pair of denim shorts, I don't also feel like wearing super short cut-offs is something "city-appropriate". I finally hunted a pair of white palazzo pants down, and I got lucky at Marks & Spencer. Actually I popped in as I was looking for a dress I saw on Rosie, and usually don't shop for clothes at Marks & Spencer but I realized it's really worth to have a little browse around. They had sooo many cute pieces!

outfit – marks & spencer outfit – marks & spencer outfit – marks & spencer outfit – marks & spencer outfit – marks & spencer

top - H&M // sliders - Zara // palazzo pants - Marks & Spencer // bag - Gucci

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