Operation Flashpoint – Red River – Neuer Patch 1.2 veröffentlicht und einige Verbesserungen dabei veröffentlicht

von inside-games am 28. Dezember 2011, 21:11 Uhr


Der neue Patch 1.2 ist da, Codemasters hat diesen nun für den Shooter Operation Flashpoint – Red River veröffentlicht. Es sind einige Verbesserungen dabei und es soll auch die Stabilität wesentlich verbessert werden.


Das Update 1.2 wurde veröffentlicht und steht auch unter Games für Windows Live als Download bereit. Die Hauptaufgabe ist es die allgemeine Stabilität zu verbessern.

Die weiteren Punkte sind, die Verbesserung der KI und die Wegfindung, so das es da zu keinen Problemem mehr kommen dürfte.

Hier haben wir noch die kompletten Patch Notes zu Operation Flashpoint – Red River Update 1.2

  • Improvements have been made to the multiplayer sessions.
  • Users should no longer be kicked out of multiplayer sessions at random points.
  • Improved stability after very long periods of gameplay.
  • Numerous gameplay fixes, tweaks and improvements.
  • Improvements to the physics system.
  • Physics related crashes when large explosions occur have been fixed.
  • Improved the vehicle physics and handling.
  • Improvements to the AI pathfinding.
  • We have addressed various issues with AI path finding and script logic
  • AI priorities system has been changed to reduce the occurrence of AI fireteam members walking in front of the player’s line of fire. Also when the AI has no option but to cross the users line of fire audio feedback is now given.
  • Improvement to the audio playback system.
  • We have included new audio mixes for the Humvee and helicopter. This will prevent in game speech being drowned out by the vehicle engine noise.
  • Changes made to the audio system to stop the audio dropping out mid way through missions.
  • Graphical improvements
  • Occlusion culling is now turned off for high end PC’s aiding performance.
  • Improvements have been made to the advanced graphics menu.
  • Improvements have been made to the character rendering system to prevent un-textured or low LOD characters being seen.
  • Numerous minor graphical issues have also been addressed.
  • Update to user_config for DLC achievements
  • This has been done to allow us to add 5 new achievements for the upcoming DLC “Valley of Death” DLC pack.
  • We have reduced the number of campaign checkpoints that the player can trigger in the experienced difficulty.

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