OC-Remix – Arcadia Legends und Chronopolis Arrangements

Erstellt am 25. April 2019 von Sevengamer
Es ist schon eine Weile her, dass wir über „OverCloed Remixed" neueste Errungenschaften berichtet haben. So sind mittlerweile zwei neue Alben entstanden, die wir euch nicht vorenthalten wollen.

Arcadia Legends (Return to Arcadia)
Zitat OCRemix:
Life was full of adventure and wonder when we were younger. Sailing the high seas on ships and discovering new lands and people was just part of the normal routine as we whiled away the afternoon hours on a lazy Sunday. As everyone grows older, we lose some of that wanderlust and we get bogged down with the burdens of the world. We lose touch with our inner child that was always eager to see what was around the next bend while looking for chams. But it doesn't always have to be that way.
Arcadia Legends is the 69th FREE community game arrangement album released by OverClocked ReMix. Relive the memories of your childhood by taking a trip back in time when pirates ruled the skies and floating islands dotted the horizon. Relax as we take you on a journey through the perilous skies of Arcadia. Rediscover new lands and adventures.
Let's celebrate the end of the 15th anniversary of this special game that holds a dear place in the hearts of its fans. Welcome back to the Skies of Arcadia!

Album Details

  • Arragemend von „Skies if Arcadia" und „Skies of Arcadia Legends"
  • 36 Titel - Instrumental und Gesang
  • 3 Disk Album - Defend the Home Isle, To the Horizon, I Am Legend
  • Formate - MP3 und FLAC (verlustfrei) + Artwork

Chronopolis - Music inspired by Chrono Chross

Zitat OCRemix:
Chrono Cross's OST represents one of the formative works that influenced me to make music. I initially fell in love with the lush visuals and setting, but the music was what drew me in and kept me there. As I prepared to lead this album with months of critical listening and planning, the OST rooted me in a way that few others have. Yasonuri Mitsuda's distinctive combination of singable, recognizable melodies and unique instrumentation made for an unforgettable and endearing soundtrack that transports me to an island paradise, complete with ancient ruins and fantastical creatures.

I can't help but be excited for this album's release. Any project usually has a few people that have been around for a while (Jorito, myself, OceansAndrew), but inevitably there's a few newcomers that also knock it out of the park (Ophanin, Earth Kid, Steven Melin). I believe that the overall quality of this album is easily the best that I've ever been involved with, and I hope that this project enables everyone who listens to be able to revisit the world of Chrono Cross yet again, nearly 20 years later.

Album Details

  • Arragemend von „Chrono Cross"
  • 28 Titel - Instrumental und Gesang
  • 2 Disk Album - Frozen, Flame
  • Formate - MP3 und FLAC (verlustfrei) + Artwork
Lasst euch in euren Erinnerungen zurückbringen, oder genießt einfach die Klänge der neu arragierten Musik längst vergangener Titel.

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Als Mitgründer von Sevengamer und Projektleiter des Final Fantasy XI Wikis immer in Action! Beruflich-technisch im Maschinenbau angesiedelt, künstlerisch mit Musik und Tanz unterwegs, und immer wieder auf der Suche nach Inspiration unter anderem in Games und Soundtracks macht es mir viel Freude hier mitzuarbeiten und mein Wissen zu teilen.