Als ich diesen Stoff endlich in Händen hielt, war mir glasklar, was daraus werden würde: nämlich eine neue Lieblingsschluffihose nach bewährtem Schnitt.
When I finally held this fabric in my hands, I was totally sure, what would be from this one: a new favourite pants out from established pattern.
(war zu faul zum neu rauskopieren) und bin absolut zufrieden. Unten entgegen dem Schnitt 10cm zugegeben und Bündchen angesetzt: perfekt!
For this pants I chose the Ottobre woman pattern no.5 Jazzpants from the edition 2/2008 and I am very happy with it. My first pants years ago was sewed out of velvet in size 42 and this pants is now very *fluffy* in some parts because of my weight reduction. This time I cut out the fabric without seam allowance ( I was too lazy to copy the right size) and I am absolutely satisfied. I gave 10 more centimeters in the length and added cuffs: perfect!
Alternative would have been the pattern Helgoland from Farbenmix, but I wasn´t that happy with it, because it was to vast for me and I had to take away much fabric in this version and its stll very large… so it was like: never change a running system and I took the Ottobre pattern.
Nun kann der Schlumpelsonntag ruhig kommen! (Und wenn der Kerl JETZT behauptet, er sähe rosa Elefanten, dann… hat er absolut RECHT :lool: )
Now the lazy sunday can come! (And if the guy NOW argues, he would see pink elephants, then… he is aboslutely RIGHT :lool:)
Stoff: Jersey aus der „Elephant love„-Serie & Bündchen von Michas Stoffecke, Schnitt: siehe Text