Neuer Trailer zum Western-Shooter "Warm Gun"

Neuer Trailer zum Western-Shooter

vergrφίernNeuer Trailer zum Western-Shooter Quelle: Emotional Robots

Emotional Robots hat einen neuen Trailer zu ihrem Online-Shooter im Western-Style Warm Gun verφffentlicht. Dieser verrδt einige Fakten zum voraussichtlich in diesem Sommer im AppStore erscheinenden Spiel. Ein genaues Datum steht aber noch nicht fest.

Warm Gun wird insgesamt fόnf Multiplayer-Maps (Dear Lord, Attrition, Overdrive, Ragdoll & Redline) in unterschiedlichen Umgebungen mitbringen. Als Spieler kannst du aus vier unterschiedlichen Charakteren auswδhlen und diesen mit zwφlf verschiedenen Waffen ausrόsten, die alle ihre besonderen Ausstattungsmerkmale haben.

Beschreibung des Videos (englisch):

After almost six months of development, Emotional Robots Inc. is happy to debut the first gameplay footage of Warm Gun on iOS! ERI has come a long way over the past few months, and bringing the PC game to mobile has been a real challenge. Over 9000 assets have been converted to mobile along with an entirely new set of animations; all capped off by several major overhauls in code.

Being on the cutting edge of technology is incredibly exciting but also a little scary. We're working in uncharted territory, which is why we've held off on giving a specific release date. We'd rather focus on making everything work the way it should than setting a date and cutting corners to meet that date. However, we are still set to release this summer.

This footage was taken with the iPad 2 and hasn't been altered. Warm Gun will be available for several iOS devices, including the iPad, iPad 2, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 3 and iPod Touch 4. Warm Gun will also be released on Android devices after the iOS version launches.

You can find out more information about Warm Gun on our website:

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