MOTHER002 - SHIVERS - Love falls & Strangers in the dark EP

MOTHER002 - SHIVERS -  Love falls & Strangers in the dark EPBereits am 25.April ist die Love falls & Strangers in the dark EP von Shivers auf dem noch jungen Kreuzberger Label Mother Records. Auf der EP enthalten sind 2 Original Tracks sowie Remixe von Daniel Dexter und Thyladomid.

Mother Recordings 002

Zwar bereits veröffentlicht, wollten wir euch dieses Sahnestück an Release aus dem Herzen Berlins nicht vorenthalten. Freunde von Labels wie Noir Music, Crosstown Rebels, Diynamic oder ähnlichen werden an diesem ihre Freude haben, denn dieses Release fällt unter den Massen positiv aus dem Rahmen.
Beeindruckend ist dabei der erste Track Love Falls als Original Mix, deep, poppig und vor allem einer starken Dynamic die mitreißt. Daniel Dexter fährt in seinem Remix von Love Falls die Dynamic etwas mehr herunter läßt aber dafür mehr Tiefe aus dem Track sprechen. Thyladomid baut aus seinem Remix von Strangers in the dark einen deepen und groovigen Housetrack, während das Original von Strangers in the dark zwar genauso groovt aber vor allem mit seinem dominanten Synthie überzeugt.
Favorit auf dieser EP ist eindeutig das Original von Love falls, keiner der Tracks schafft es so den Hörer mitzureißen aber auch die anderen Tracks sind ohne weiteres für die Tanzfläche gut einsetzbar.

Label: mother-recordings
Release number: MOTHER002
Title: Love falls & Strangers in the dark EP 
Format: Mp3, Wave, CD, Vinyl

Source: Soundloud Snippet
Cat#.:  MOTHER002
Released by: mother-recordings
Release/catalogue number: 002
Release date: Apr 25, 2012
Yes, it´s so true! No one said it would be easy to be the second son, but this up-and-coming young talent from Sydney/Australia, is an old soul, an ancient dream warrior - as he likes to call himself, walking the dreams of the whale and the serpent. SHIVERS*, we welcome our new family member at MOTHER RECORDINGS.

DEETRON (Rejected) - "Really like the slow burning atmosphere and tension of the Daniel Dexter remix!"
UNER (Diynamic) - "Deep and deep and deep! Thyladomid is the strongest here for me!"
FUR COAT (Crosstown Rebels) - "Really liking the original of Love Falls and the other versions are all nice too. Good release."
RICHY AHMED (Culprit) - "It’s a good remix from Thyladomid. Might be good for me?"
RODRIGUEZ JR (Mobilee) - "I really enjoy the old school dirty beats of Danel Dexter's remix! Will try it out."
KIKI (Bpitch Control) - "Strangers In The Dark original is cool, as is the Daniel Dexter remix!“
ALEX NIGGEMANN (Poker Flat) - "Daniel's Mix is definitely the strongest on this package.“
SIS (Get Physical) - "Everything Thyladomid touch turns to pure GOLD!!"
Okain (Tsuba) - "I really like all tracks in this ep. The standout is Shivers and the Daniel Dexter rmx for me.
J.PHLIP (Dirtybird) - "The original of Love Falls is really nice! Cant wait to play it!"
VIADRINA (Pets Recordings) - "Wow! This one is amazing, keep fallin' in love with Mother!“
GUY J (Bedrock Records) - "Strangers in the dark is will definitely work for me. Very nice!“
SHARAM JEY (Nurvous) - "My pick is the old school NY vibe from Daniel Dexter.“
KAROTTE (Great Stuff) - "Daniel Dexter Remix is nice for the opening hours…"
LUNA CITY EXPRESS (Vakant) - "The Daniel Dexter Remix is the strongest mix here.“
X-Press 2 (Skint Records) - "Daniel Dexter mix is the nicest of the bunch for me!“
DJ YELLOW (Composite Records) - "Daniel Dexter rmx is pure house…. Really like this!“
GREGOR TRESHER (Ovum) - "Love Falls original from Shivers sounds very cool to me.“
ANDY BAXTER (Pacha Ibiza) - "PROPERRRRR. All round great package. DAMN!!!"
TERENCE (Purple Music) - "Daniel Dexter rework is definitely a cool mix for me!"

CLUB MADNEZZ RADIO HOLLAND - "Strangers In The Dark is very deep!"
IBIZA GLOBAL RADIO - "Daniel Dexter Remix is groovy as i like! Respect and full support!“
COLIN PERKINS (Spin 1038 FM Dublin) - "Love Falls is the one!!"
DIVERSIONS (CHRY 105.5FM Toronto, Canada) - "Strangers in the Dark (Original Mix) for me! feelin' the murky atmosphere and edgy vocals."
LAURENT N. (Nice Radio France) - "Nice Hypnotic House release. I love this kind of music.
TOM BREU (Radio WDR 1LIVE Germany) - "Great ep. Thyladomid remix of Strangers In The Dark is my fave so far.."
STEVE PARRY (Juice FM UK) - "Original sounds cool to me thanks."
TSUGI (Magazine France) - "Nice one Thyladomid!!"
De:Bug (Magazine Germany) - "Considering for review."
LARSSON (DJ Magazine Italia) - "Killa EP!!! Full Support! Thanks."
Wollion (Faze Magazine Germany) - "Daniel Dexter Remix is great!"
BRADLEY (In The Deep End-Australia) - "Tim is my boy! This is a great record and I'm sure it's the start of great things for the chap!“
MARTIN (Raveline Magazine Germany) - "Love falls is my fav.. huge track!"
MARCUS BARNES (The Independent) - "Nice one. Like the Thyladomid!“Remix."

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