Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs

Wie war die Verwandlungszeile von Sailor Moon eigentlich gemeint? "Make-up" wurde im Deutschen einfach mit "mach auf" übersetzt. Ich denke das hätte man gar nicht übersetzen müssen. Zumindest die japanischen Fans haben es wörtlich genommen.
Geniale Fans haben zu unser aller Freude wunderschöne Sailor Moon Kosmetik Designs entworfen und im Internet geteilt. Diese Entwürfe sind nicht offiziell und können nicht in Form von Produkten gekauft werden - leider, leider, denn sie sind wunderschön! ♡ Heute zeige ich euch alles was ich dazu finden konnte.
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
What was Sailor Moon's transformation line supposed to mean? Most countries did not use the "make-up" part, it didn't seem to make sense in this situation. Japanese fans on the other hand didn't wonder about it at all.
Awesome fans made their own Sailor Moon cosmetic designs and shared them on the internet for the pleasure of all of us. These drafts are not official and will probably never be available in shops as you see them here. What a pity, cause they are stunning! ♡ Today I'll show you everything I could find about it.
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designsSource
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs Source
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs 
Leider sind die Quellen nicht mehr alle nachzuvollziehen. Das liegt zum einen daran dass diese Bilder über unzählige Seiten wie Tumblr verbreitet wurden und zum anderen daran, dass sie alle aus Japan stammen. Dort wurden sie ebenso verbreitet und da fällt es mir nur umso schwerer die ursprünglichen Zeichner zu benennen. Daher seht es mir nach wenn ich nicht zu jedem wundervollen Bild genaue Quellenangaben machen kann. Wenn ihr mehr dazu wisst meldet euch doch einfach.
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Unfortunately it's very hard to figure out the origins. Firstly these pictures got shared on uncountable sites like different tumblrs and suchlike, secondly they are from Japan. They have already been shared on Japanese sites, so it's understandable that I can just offer very few informations about these beautiful pictures. Wherever I could name sources I did. If you can help me out, don't hesitate to contact me.
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs
Hier sind einige Seiten auf denen ich die Bilder gefunden habe, von denen ich aber nicht weiß ob sie auch vom eigentlichen Zeichner sind.
Here are some sites on which I found these pics. Yet I can't say for sure if these are fansites or the original illustrators who feature them.
Moon Prism Power Make Up! ~ Fanmade cosmetic designs

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