Meshuggah: Weitere Details zu “Koloss”

Meshuggah: Weitere Details zu Koloss   more on

Meshuggah - Koloss (Cover)

Wie wir gestern bereits berichteten haben Meshuggah ihr achtes Studioalbum “Koloss” getauft und veröffentlicht wird das Ganze am 23. März 2012 via Nuclear Blast Records. Drummer Tomas Haake kommentiert dies wie folgt: “As always, we try to take our music in a slightly different direction with each album and with KOLOSS we feel that we really nailed what we were going for.  Organic brutality, viscera and groove all crammed into a 54-minute metalicious treat, best avoided by the faint of heart!!”

„Koloss“ Tracklist (Cover ist links zu sehen)

01. I Am Colossus
02. The Demon’s Name Is Surveillance
03. Do Not Look Down
04. Behind The Sun
05. The Hurt That Finds You First
06. Marrow
07. Break Those Bones Whose Sinews Gave It Motion
08. Swarm
09. Demiurge
10. The Last Vigil

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