The adventure Southisland began for us already with the ferry cruise from Wellington to Picton. Bongo was put into the depth of the big vessle and we enjoyed the ever improving weather on deck. The Marlborough Sounds are a lot of little fiords at the northend of the southisland. The region is one of the sunniest in NZ which makes it an ideal place to grow wine. So our first trip lead us straight to some very good winecellars for some great winetasting. Delicious!
Das Abenteuer Suedinsel begann fuer uns bereits mit der Fahrt auf der Faehre von Wellington nach Picton. Bongo wurde im Bauch des Dampfers verstaut und wir genossen das immer besser werdende Wetter auf dem Deck. Die Marlborough Sounds sind lauter kleine Fiorde am Nordende der Suedinsel. Diese Region bekommt dank die meisten Sonnentage in ganz Neuseeland ab, dies macht sie zu einem idealen Weinanbaugebiet. Unser erster Ausflug fuehrte uns dann auch direkt zu einigen guten Weinkellern, wo wir die edlen Tropfen testen konnten. Exquisit!
The adventure Southisland began for us already with the ferry cruise from Wellington to Picton. Bongo was put into the depth of the big vessle and we enjoyed the ever improving weather on deck. The Marlborough Sounds are a lot of little fiords at the northend of the southisland. The region is one of the sunniest in NZ which makes it an ideal place to grow wine. So our first trip lead us straight to some very good winecellars for some great winetasting. Delicious!
The adventure Southisland began for us already with the ferry cruise from Wellington to Picton. Bongo was put into the depth of the big vessle and we enjoyed the ever improving weather on deck. The Marlborough Sounds are a lot of little fiords at the northend of the southisland. The region is one of the sunniest in NZ which makes it an ideal place to grow wine. So our first trip lead us straight to some very good winecellars for some great winetasting. Delicious!