E I wanted to photograph the palace of Mannheim for a long time now and I actually did it some weeks ago. It's nothing really special, just a normal baroque palace - there are a lot of them in our region -. I could tell you something about the story of it, but I think nobody really cares, does anybody? A big part of the palace is used for the university of Mannheim and I had a lot of luck to catch a moment without annoying people in the picture. A short while ago I got a little round trip through Mannheim from my dad. That means he showed me the habour and the palace - which I already knew. Nevertheless it was a nice trip and I got some good themes. I will show you some more pictures in another post.What do you say to Mannheim Palace?
D Das Mannheimer Schloss stand schon länger auf meiner "To-Photograph-Liste" und vor kurzem habe ich das dann auch endlich mal hinbekommen. Letzten Endes ist es nur ein ganz normales Barockschloss, über die Geschichte könnte ich euch jetzt auch etwas erzählen, aber ich glaube, dass interessiert niemanden, oder? Das Schloss ist inzwischen zum Größtteil mit der Mannheimer Uni ausgefüllt und deshalb hatte ich Glück, einen Moment ohne nervige Menschen auf dem Bild zu erwischen. Ich habe vor kurzem eine kleine "Mannheim-Rundtour" von meinem Dad bekommen. Das heißt er hat mir den Hafen gezeigt und das Schloss - das ich schon kannte. Trotzdem eine interessante Tour mit einigen guten Fotomotiven. Bald bekommt ihr noch einen weiteren Post dazu zu sehen.Was sagt ihr zum Mannheimer Schloss?
E I wanted to photograph the palace of Mannheim for a long time now and I actually did it some weeks ago. It's nothing really special, just a normal baroque palace - there are a lot of them in our region -. I could tell you something about the story of it, but I think nobody really cares, does anybody? A big part of the palace is used for the university of Mannheim and I had a lot of luck to catch a moment without annoying people in the picture. A short while ago I got a little round trip through Mannheim from my dad. That means he showed me the habour and the palace - which I already knew. Nevertheless it was a nice trip and I got some good themes. I will show you some more pictures in another post.What do you say to Mannheim Palace?
E I wanted to photograph the palace of Mannheim for a long time now and I actually did it some weeks ago. It's nothing really special, just a normal baroque palace - there are a lot of them in our region -. I could tell you something about the story of it, but I think nobody really cares, does anybody? A big part of the palace is used for the university of Mannheim and I had a lot of luck to catch a moment without annoying people in the picture. A short while ago I got a little round trip through Mannheim from my dad. That means he showed me the habour and the palace - which I already knew. Nevertheless it was a nice trip and I got some good themes. I will show you some more pictures in another post.What do you say to Mannheim Palace?