T R A C K L I S T :
00:00 Matt Borghi - The First Noel(Ambient Guitar for Christmas)
03:40 Fuzzy Lights - Snowstorm in a Snow Globe
06:12 Dollboy - Look Darling, It's Starting to Snow
08:22 Clem Leek - Away in America
14:40 Rachel's - NY Snow Globe
17:00 Voces8 - Winter
20:15 The Green Kingdom - Sleep, Snow
28:20 Casino vs Japan - Christmas Morning
28:43 Matt Borghi - Shchedryk
31:35 Wil Bolton - Coventry Carol
33:54 Bill Nelson - The Christmas Gift
35:05 Sara and Adam - Wonderful Christmastime
38:35 Takahiro Kido - Christmas Song
44:04 Helios - Sunes Christmas
47:52 John Zorn - Christmas Time is Here
52:22 Voces8 - For Now I Am Winter
56:40 Matt Borghi - Silent Night
69:00 end
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