E Now it's time for my second post about the lost dock yard I visited with Sammy. In this lost place nearly everything was destroyed, we had to walk over broken windows and glass everywhere and in some rooms or halls wit looked like somebody emptied a truck full of trash there. In many rooms we found broken videocassettes with ripped out tapes. On the last picture you see a part of the trash mountains. I think I need an ghostwriter or something because I'm really bad at writing posts at the moment. Most of the time I don't have a lack of time or pictures, I just don't have any text ideas.
D Nun gibts meinen zweiten Post über die verlassene Schiffswerft die ich mit Sammy besucht habe. Was ich an diesem Lost Place ziemlich schade fand, war das alles total randaliert und kaputt war. Überall kaputte Fensterscheiben und Glas und vor allem enorm viel Müll. In manchen Räumen/Hallen sah es aus als hätte jemand einen LKW mit Müll dort ausgeladen, vor allem haben wir enorm viele Videokasetten gefunden, deren Bänder herausgerissen waren. Auf dem letzten Bild sieht man rechts einen kleinen Teil einer der vielen Müllberge. So ein Ghostwriter wäre mal was.. Vielleicht würde ich dann endlich öfter zum posten kommen, meistens fehlt mir nämlich weder die Zeit noch Bilder sondern einfach nur ein Text.
E Now it's time for my second post about the lost dock yard I visited with Sammy. In this lost place nearly everything was destroyed, we had to walk over broken windows and glass everywhere and in some rooms or halls wit looked like somebody emptied a truck full of trash there. In many rooms we found broken videocassettes with ripped out tapes. On the last picture you see a part of the trash mountains. I think I need an ghostwriter or something because I'm really bad at writing posts at the moment. Most of the time I don't have a lack of time or pictures, I just don't have any text ideas.
E Now it's time for my second post about the lost dock yard I visited with Sammy. In this lost place nearly everything was destroyed, we had to walk over broken windows and glass everywhere and in some rooms or halls wit looked like somebody emptied a truck full of trash there. In many rooms we found broken videocassettes with ripped out tapes. On the last picture you see a part of the trash mountains. I think I need an ghostwriter or something because I'm really bad at writing posts at the moment. Most of the time I don't have a lack of time or pictures, I just don't have any text ideas.