The L´oréal Color Infaillible eyeshadows are often compared to the Armani Eyes to kill eyeshadows. Since I don't own one of those I can't compare them myself. The main similarity and the interesting thing about these eyeshadows is their texture. They are super densely pressed pigments that almost feel like a creme to the touch. Since they are pressed so densely they are also highly pigmented. I got the shades Sahara Treasure and Permanent Kaki. You get 3,5g product and here in Europe /Germany they are about 7€.
In den Lidschatten befindet sich diese Plastikscheibe, mit der man die Pigmente nach Gebrauch wieder fest zusammenpressen kann.
The eyeshadows come with a little pastic disc which can be used to press the pigments back together after you have used the eyeshadow.
Sahara Treasure ist ein Taupe- /Goldton mit stark metallischem Schimmer. Permanent Kaki ist ein kühles Grün, das ich jedoch nicht als khaki, bzw. wie L´oréal es nennt kaki, bezeichnen würde. Bisher bin ich sehr zufrieden mit den Lidschatten.
Sahara Treasure is a taupy gold with a strong metallic shimmer. Permanent Kaki is a cool toned green, which I would not describe as khaki, or kaki, like L´oréal calles it. So far I really enjoy these shadows.
Habt ihr die Color Infaillible Lidschatten schon getestet?
Have you tried the Color Infaillible eyeshadows yet?