Little Flower English Medium School located in the midst of lush green fields of Eliyal near the rural town of Ranganpalke, of Kowdoor Village, Karkala Taluk, Udupi District is a revolutionary brainchild of a visionary Mr. Lawrence Saldanha hailing from the very same land where the campus is currently located. It was an experiment to prove that quality education can be made available for rural population to dissuade them from migrating to cities.
Established in the year 2003, the institution has gone through tough challenges in the management as well as in earning the confidence of local people. Along with quality education for the local population, it was also the aspiration of the founder to extend the service for humanitarian cause of resident education for abandoned orphan children. In pursuance of the same, the founder decided to transfer the institution with required land to Seon Ashram Trust Gandibagilu Belthangady all for free. Hence Mr. U. C. Paulose, Management Trustee of Seon Ashram took over as the Chairman of Glarida Education Trust and merged the institution in the year 2008. The institution has since grown multilaterally with remarkable achievements.
"I have never in my entire life been so happy and satisfied as I am today because the School which I love more than my own life has brought the laurel of 100% result in the maiden SSLC batch" says the emotionally charged founder Mr. Lawrence Saldanha. "My dream has come true, my experiment has succeeded and the future of the Institution is bright. I will remain indebted to Mr. U. C Paulose, the faculty of teachers, students and parents for their relentless efforts in achieving this remarkable feat" he concludes.