„Like“ it, not really

I wanted a Facebook account. Friends, that is well and good, but on all pages considering „how do I promote my blog?“ the clue was given that you should have a facebook account at all costs.


I have already had an account in 2011, so it would not be so difficult to install it again, I thought. Back then, the cooperation was not very satisfying to me, so I had decided to leave it be. I then deleted everything, but deleting contents does not delete the account, so I had to delete the whole account. Supposedly, you have to deactivate it first, and then, after not using it for six weeks, it is deleted entirely. Now, that I wanted to have it again, I thought I would have to register all over again. But Facebook still had an account corresponding to my email address. Scary. By now, I have heard of others that facebook also likes to ask friends whether it is the real name that is stated in the account. And apparently Facebook also likes to complement accounts with information of the friends. But anyway, I have never taken Facebook seriously.


Now follows a statement about how I learned not to underestimate Facebook. I was slightly seduced, I wanted to try because there had not happened anything with my account anyways. I had so many suggestions of friends and because I felt bored at this moment I clicked a lot of them. What a surprise that not all of the 400 persons knew me. At least, one or two told facebook that. Again, I am not very surprised since in reality I look less abstract than in the picture of my account. It seems obviously that the recognition value is low.


After a while facebook asked me whether I really knew the people that I invited to be friends. And I guess it was a mistake to be honest. For Facebook considers itself a platform that connects people who are already friends and not that exclusively make new friends. Respect for all those who cope with 500 friends and more at the same time. This seemed to be a friendly shot across the bows, unfortunately, I was too ignorant. After more people had stated that they would not know me, I was blocked. By the way, the same holds for all people who are easily enthused and use to click the „Like“- button a lot.


To draw a balance after a heavy weekend using facebook: one or two friendly conversations, two record breaking clumsy chat- ups and two messages from who knows who, two girls apparently, who liked my profile and wanted to be my friends. I am not very street- smart, but I guess these messages where destined for male addressees. I ask myself whether after responding they would have received a „I love you“. Funny. I checked the account and it was a male user. But by now, since Facebook is constantly exerted, I do not have access to this message because it was blocked under the suspicion of being spam. But hold on, it is possible to be even more inconspicuous. Chatting with the other end of the world: Afirca. If it is not exactly the other end of the world, I apologize for my geografic ignorance. Cute that even the Google traducer was bothered for that until I offered English involuntarily. It was not worth it. Shortly afterwards, the sad message showed up telling me that hunger is suffered and if I would help and donate.


The conclusion after a couple of days: My hair could not be washed as often as normal due to the great expenditure of time. Facebook turned out to be plain waste of time and I was afraid that there would be no necessity to visit other pages. Well, there is no limit to Facebook’s possibilities. Maybe, some time Facebook could join with Amazon. The total internet sovereignty. My suggestion: „Famazon“. Thinking more about it, I would discourage the responsable person from choosing this name because it rather sounds like the top address for pills or handkerchiefs. Additionally, it comes to my mind that not only because a mortal who wears just ordinary t-shirts creates a product, it is said that this product is harmless.

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