Leather pants and lace shirt new year's eve outfit

Leather pants and lace shirt new year's eve outfit
//Wisst ihr schon was ihr zu Silvester anzieht? Eine Hose in Lederoptik dazu ein Spitzen-Shirt, darüber ein abgesteppter Ledermantel, spitze Pumps, eine Kuvert-Clutch mit viel Bling, Bling und Nieten und bei der Silvester Party darf die Arm Party natürlich nicht fehlen! Because there ain't no party like an arm party! ;)Ich werde dieses Jahr Silvester bei der kiss2012goodbye Party auf der Dachterrasse von Kastner&Öhler feiern. Dort hat man einen super Ausblick auf das große Feuerwerk am Schloßberg und die Innenstadt von Graz. Wollte ja eigentlich mit meinem Partner in typicalStoffy crime bei Freunden in München oder Berlin feiern, sie muss/darf dieses Jahr jedoch Neujahrsbabys zur Welt bringen. Wir werden aber alles bei der Fashion Week in Berlin nachholen ;) Was macht/trägt ihr zu Silvester?
//Do you already know what to wear for NYE?What about leather pants, with a lace shirt, a leather coat, pointy heels, a studded envelop clutch with some extra bling bling and of course an arm party? Because there ain't no party like an arm party!This year I will celebrate NYE at the kiss2012goodbye party on the rooftop of Kastner&Öhler (our local department store). From there you have an amazing view on the firework from the Schloßberg and downtown Graz. My partner in typicalStoffy crime and me actually wanted to celebrate NYE in Munich or Berlin because our friends there are throwing some amazing parties but unfortunately my friend has to work. But maybe will assist at brining a new year baby to the world. This is also a great experience isn't it?! And we are going to Berlin for Fashion Week soon anyways ;) What are you doing/wearing for NYE?!
Outfit details below.Leather pants and lace shirt new year's eve outfitLeather pants and lace shirt new year's eve outfitLeather pants and lace shirt new year's eve outfit         Leather pants and lace shirt new year's eve outfitLeather pants and lace shirt new year's eve outfitLeather pants and lace shirt new year's eve outfitLeather pants and lace shirt new year's eve outfitLeather pants and lace shirt new year's eve outfit        Leather pants and lace shirt new year's eve outfitLeather pants and lace shirt new year's eve outfit   Leather pants and lace shirt new year's eve outfit         Leather pants and lace shirt new year's eve outfitLeather pants and lace shirt new year's eve outfitLeather pants and lace shirt new year's eve outfitLeather pants and lace shirt new year's eve outfit typicalStoffy from head to heels:Leather Coat: bought in Italy / Lace Shirt: Sinequanone, Leather Jeggings, Clutch: ZARA/ Heels: Bershka  / Sunglasses: Prada PR17OS / Arm Party: guests  from H&M, ZARA, Hermes Chien de Collier and my Marc by Marc Jacobs Watchin my clutch: Dior eyeshadow, Yves Saint Laurent lipstick, Lancôme - la vie est belle parfume
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