Just Blaze’s Beat ist zu komplex für Jay-Z & Co.

Miracle von Just Blaze kam heute nacht ohne jegliche Ankündigung

Just Blaze’s Beat ist zu komplex für Jay-Z & Co.

Nachdem sich Jay-Z, Rick Ross, J. Cole und Chris Brown schon an dem Beat probiert haben, ohne sichtliche Erfolge (was tatsächlich einem Wunder gleicht), beschloss Just Blaze ihn einfach zu veröffentlichen. Man muss zugeben, dass es kein einfacher Beat ist um darüber zu Rappen, aber auch ohne Rap steht "Miracle" wunderbar dar.

"Jay asked me to hold this for him and Jeezy. Ross did something with it. Chris Brown wanted it badly but couldn't find the right vocal flow for it once we got in studio. Canei wanted to pass it to Cole, but it was held up by someone else who actually cut me a check for it. Then it ended up just sitting, and I was weird about playing it for folks. Everyone who heard it thought it was amazing but couldn't come up with a song to it lol. Understandable though. There's a LOT going on.

I may do this more often. If you're going to attempt to rap on it, be respectful and rap good."

Fun fact: "miracle" never repeats the same sequence twice. You have to listen to it the whole way down.
- Just Blaze (@JustBlaze) 23. Februar 2015


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