Jeremy Renner in M:I 4

Jeremy Renner in M:I 4
Für seinen neuen Film Mission: Impossible 4 hat Tom Cruise jetzt einen ersten namenhaften Schauspieler verzeichnen können: Jeremy Renner wird mitmachen.
Update: Paramount has now confirmed this news to be official. Deadline has, presumably, the final the word on Tom Cruise’s Mission: Impossible4 co-star. His new co-star in the Mission:Impossible franchise won’t be Kevin Zegers, Christopher Egan, and Anthony Mackie, actors mentioned earlier this week in connection with the third sequel in the M:I franchise. Executives at Paramount Pictures have decided against a younger, lesser-known co-star who, if box office returns and Cruise’s potential unavailability, warranted, could pick up the mantle for future entries in the M:I franchise. That actor? None other than Jeremy Renner.

Mal sehen was wir von diesem Projekt noch zu hören bekommen. Und vor allem, wer sich noch dazu gesellt.

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