Japanese City Pop Mix Vol. 2 by Ed Motta for Wax Poetics

Erstellt am 26. Mai 2016 von Uwe Reuß @SOULGURUsounds

City Pop is a sub-genre of J-Pop (Japanese Pop), but it's more specific with a soulful element and influences from West Coast pop and soft rock, starting in the mid-'70s with the first groups formed by Tatsuro Yamashita and Haruomi Hosono. City Pop is really AOR and soft rock but with some funk and boogie too. Because when you hear funkier City Pop tunes, you hear not only the influence, but in some parts they steal from groups like Skyy, BB&Q Band, and those kinda American boogie and funk groups.
Ed Motta

Tracklist und ausführliche Infos zu jedem Track gibt es hier.

About The Author


aka SOULGURU // straight outta Coburg (Oberfranken) // wohnhaft in der Nähe von Stuttgart // Jahrgang 61 // musikbegeistert seit früher Kindheit // hauptberuflich in leitender Stellung als Logistiker tätig // Vater von 2 Söhnen // Musik-Blogger seit 2009