For years Jamie Oliver has been trying to bring a change into the unhealthy and fast food dependable diet of today's children. He first started with a huge project in England, where he visited schools and changed their canteen menu from Pizza and Fries to Vegetables and Pasta. Because of the very small budget the project was rather difficult and only sort-of successful. But his dream still is to get parents and children to cook more healthy food every single day. With his new book, Jami Oliver wants to show, that healthy cooking is cheap, easy and fast. Everybody, who owns his book, should give 4 recipies to 4 different people. These people should gove these 4 recipies to 4 different people and so that many people will new 4 recepies, that show them that healthy cooking doesn't have to be expensive and complicated.So, this is the first recipe i want to share ( by the way, my favourite): Lasagne Pasta with fresch cherry tomatoes
400 g reife Kirschtomaten / 400g cherry tomatoes
4 Knoblauchzehen/ 4 pieces of garlic
1 Bund frisches Basilikum/ 1 bunch basilicum
400 g frische Lasagneblätte/ 400g fresh Lasagne
100 g Parmesan/ 100g Parmesan
Meersalz und frisch gemahlener schwarzer Pfeffer / Salt and Pepper
Olivenöl/ oliveoil
2 Stück Butter/ 2 bits of butter
4 EL Balsamico-Essig/ 4 spoons of balsamico
Pasta vorbereiten: Die Tomaten halbieren, den Knoblauch schälen und in feine Scheiben schneiden. Anschließend die Basilikumblätter abzupfen und die Stiele fein hacken. Lasagneblätter der Länge nach in drei oder vier Streifen schneiden. Parmesan reiben.
Cut tomatoes in half, cut garlic into fine slices.Rip of the basilicum leaves and chopp the stamps. Cut the fresh Lasagne into long stripes. Rub Parmesan.
Pasta zubereiten: In einem großen Topf Wasser mit Salz zum Kochen bringen. Inzwischen eine große Pfanne bei mittlerer Temperatur erhitzen. Olivenöl und Knoblauch hinein geben und die Butter darin zerlassen. Sobald der Knoblauch Farbe annimmt, die Tomaten und dann die Basilikumstiele und die Hälfte der Blätter untermischen. Dann den Essig einrühren, salzen und pfeffern. Danach die Lasagnestreifen ins sprudelnde Wasser geben und drei Minuten garen. Abseihen und dabei etwas Kochwasser auffangen. Pasta mit ein wenig Kochwasser und der Hälfte des Parmesans zur Sauce geben. Abschmecken.
Boile water in a big pot with salt. Heat up the pan and melt butter and olive oil. Add the garlic until it has some color. Then add the tomatoes, the basilicum stamps and half of the basilicum leaves. Stirr in the balsamico and add some salt and pepper. Give the Lasagne into the hot water and cook them for about 3 minutes. Spare some of the pasta-water. Finally give the pasta-water, half of the parmesan and the lasagne into the sauce.
Das angerichtete Gericht mit dem Rest des Parmesans und den Basilikumblättern bestreuen. dazu passt ein schlichter Blattsalat.
Serve the Pasta with the rest of the basilicum and the parmesan.