Interview mit Pixar-Regisseur Mark Walsh

© Pixar / Mark Walsh, Regisseur von

© Pixar / Mark Walsh, Regisseur von “Partysaurus Rex”, hier bei einem Pressetermin an der California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, California im August 2012.

Als das wohl beliebteste Franchise aus dem Hause Pixar – zugleich auch die Filmreihe mit dem die Erfolgsgeschichte des Animationsstudios gestartet wurde – gelten die Erzählungen aus dem „Toy Story“-Universum. Und auch wenn „Toy Story 3“ das letzten Langfilm-Abenteuer darstellte, hat sich Pixar mit den „Toy Story Toons“ eine Weiterführung der Geschichten um Astronaut Buzz Lightyear, Cowboy Woody und ihren Spielzeug-Freunden gesichert. Vor der Pixar-Produktion „Cars 2“ lief mit „Hawaiian Vacation“ die erste Episode dieser Kurzfilmreihe, mit „Small Fry“ folgte Teil 2, der vor dem „Muppet“-Film gezeigt wurde. Beide Kurzfilme sind auf „Pixars kompletter Kurzfilm Collection 2“ zu finden.

Mit „Partysaurus Rex“, einer Episode in der Dinosaurier Rex von seinen Freunden als Partymuffel bezeichnet, seine eigene abgedrehte Poolparty in der Badewanne feiert, folgt nun der dritte Kurzfilm der „Toy Story Toons“-Produktionen. Dieser soll vor dem Kino-Rerelease zu „Findet Nemo“ in 3D gezeigt werden, eine Veröffentlichung auf DVD und/oder Blu-Ray steht derzeit noch nicht fest. Nachdem die ersten beiden Kurzfilme von Gary Rydstrom („Hawaiian Vacation“) und Angus MacLane („Small Fry“) inszeniert wurden, darf sich nun Mark Walsh an den „Toy Story“-Figuren erfreuen. Er schrieb das Drehbuch zum Kurzfilm, war als Regisseur tätig und lieferte die Stimme für Drips, den Wal.

Mark Walsh stand für ein kurzes Interview zur Verfügung, bei dem wir mit dem Filmemacher über „Partysaurus Rex“ sprechen konnten. Why did Pixar choose Rex as protagonist fort his new short? Did you as director had a right to say which „Toy Story“ character should be in the lead of his own short next?

Mark Walsh: Rex is my favorite „Toy Story“ character. He’s sweet, but naive enough to get into situations that Woody or Buzz would not. I pitched 3 of my own „Toy Story“ short ideas to Pixar, all with different characters. I’m glad they chose “Partysaurus”, as I’ve discovered that everyone loves Rex as much as I do. What was first? The idea of bringing rave music to the world of „Toy Story“ or the Story of Rex going on a crusade in the bathtub?

Mark Walsh: Story was first, the genre came later. I wanted to tell a story about someone trying to fight their insecurities, only to have it backfire on them. Rex feels bad that everyone thinks he’s a worrier, so he goes to far and pretends he’s a party animal. I researched the wildest modern club parties, and discovered raves and giant foam parties. Once we enlisted electronic dance music composer BT, the short went full force into that world, which serves my story purpose: putting Rex as far out of his comfort zone as possible.

©2012 Disney & Pixar. All Rights Reserved

©2012 Disney & Pixar. All Rights Reserved Why is Rex changing his attitude? Is it really what he wants or is it only to impress his old friends?

Mark Walsh: Rex’s friends make fun of him a little, and that hurts his feelings. We all have insecurities: our weight, our hairline, perhaps our voice. I remembered trying to reinvent myself every year when school started. “This year I’ll be cool!” Only to slide back to my normal ways a few days into the semester. We all want to fit with the crowd, but it’s being yourself that makes you unique and wonderful. We don’t always see that. That’s something everyone can relate to. Can you reveal some hints what other Pixar movies we can discover by watching „Partysaurus Rex“? Because it is always fun to search for links to other Pixar films.

Mark Walsh: Absolutely! Many people find Sully’s fur as the bathroom toilet seat cover. But less notice “Finding Nemo’s” dolfin and Mr. Ray hanging out at the bottom of the tub. The bath is filled with a few toys from the preschool in “Toy Story 3″. For real nerds, there are a few references to Disneyland’s “Captain Eo” attraction, a guilty pleasure of mine. I can’t tell you all of them, or folks won’t look for themselves! Were yourself a party pooper? Or more of a Partysaurus Rex?

Mark Walsh: Party Pooper. Easily. I was a gregarious kid in front of crowds but shy on my own. You’re the first person to ask, but I think in many ways this short is about my own fantasies as a kid. I also loved bath time and my bath toys as a child. Who doesn’t want to be in a hot tub? As a first time director, what did it mean to you to work with such talents like Tom Hanks or Tim Allen or in this case with Wallace Shawn as voice of Rex?

Mark Walsh: What a dream. I feel so lucky to work with the original talent, it’s a wonder to see them become those classic characters right in front of you. The Toy Story world is like family to us at Pixar, we like the universe, the characters, and the people behind them. Some of the actors know the characters better than anyone, and I got to collaborate with the original creators. That’s why it’s so fun for us to make these shorts. Now you’ve directed your first short for Pixar. And it is really fun to watch. It is so colorful and wacky. Can we expect your feature film debut anytime soon?

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