how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got

Hallo meine Lieben,laaaaaange 15 Tage später kommt von mir auch mal wieder ein Lebenszeichen. Ich hatte wie so oft einfach keine Zeit und keine Ideen für Posts, also habe ichs einfach auch gelassen bevor irgendwelche komischen Themen bei raus kommen. Aber heute jetzt wieder! Und zwar hatten meine Babys gestern glücklicherweise alle frei, genau wie ich und wir konnten den Tag zusammen verbringen (was in unserem Job dank Schichtarbeit schon mal gar nicht so einfach ist normalerweise. Da wir letztens eigentlich schon mal in den Zoo wollten und das dann leider doch nicht geklappt hatte, dachten wir uns wir holen das einfach nach und sind gestern dann zusammen in den Opelzoo im Taunus gefahren. Das Wetter war top, es war nicht zu viel los und wir hatten ne Menge Spass :)
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
Ich war schon eine gefühlte Ewigkeit nicht mehr dort, dafür waren wir früher als ich kleiner war relativ häufig dort, weshalb ich es dort auch so liebe. Nachdem wir unendlich lange an der Kasse anstehen mussten hat sich die Menge drinnen dann aber super verteilt und wir sind erstmal zu den Elefanten und dann weiter zu den ganzen anderen Tieren. Leider gibts das Nilpferd nicht mehr, das war eigentlich immer richtig süß und man konnte das auch richtig füttern und alles, aber jetzt leider nicht mehr. Hoffentlich kommen da bald wieder Nilpferde! 
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
Am Ende gings nochmal zu den Elefanten zum 2-Kilo-Karotten füttern, die wir die ganze Zeit vorher mit durch den Zoo geschleppt haben haha. Außerdem gings dann noch in den Streichelzoo mit Ziegen, Schafen und einem verrückten Esel und Kühen, wobei da einfach die Babyziegen am aller aller süßesten waren hihi.
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got

how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got

Big Elephant Love ♥

Auf dem Rückweg waren wir nochmal was bei Vapiano essen, sind dann zu mir nach Hause um eigentlich das 'GNTM'-Finale zu gucken (oder eben auch nicht) und haben dann doch beschlossen bisschen Trinkspiele zu spielen.Es war alles in allem auf jeden Fall ein richtig schöner Tag mit Wiederholungsbedarf!Von mir wird jetzt auch wieder bisschen mehr kommen, habe wieder ein paar Ideen und versuche die so schnell wie möglich umzusetzen, promise!Kuss & Schluss, Becca
ps: verzeiht mir die 1938912319 Bilder, ich konnte mich nur einfach nicht entscheiden welche ich alles nehmen soll, fand alle so schön how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got
how could we not talk about family when family is all that we got

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