Heute kostenlos: Par Out Golf

Heute kostenlos: Par Out Golf

vergrφίernHeute kostenlos: Par Out GolfQuelle: Endless Wave Software

Derzeit gibt es das Spiel Par Out Golf (Heute kostenlos: Par Out GolfAppStore) von Endless Wave Software kostenlos.

Die Universal-App fόr iPhone, iPod touch und iPad ist ein Line-Drawing-Game, das auf dem Golfplatz spielt. Dabei musst du nicht - δhnlich wie manchmal im realen Leben auf dem Golfplatz - den Golfball suchen, sondern den Weg zum Loch. Denn sobald du dich an den Abschlag machst, wird der Golfplatz urplφtzlich von einer dichten Wolkenschicht όberzogen. Gut, wer sich da den Weg bis zum Green vorher genau eingeprδgt hat.
Ansonsten hδlt sich das Spiel an die gδngigen Golfregeln: wer den Ball mit den wenigsten Schlδgen im Loch versenkt hat, hat natόrlich gewonnen.

Das Spiel bietet insgesamt zwei Golfkurse mit jeweils 18 Lφchern. Diese kφnnen sowohl im Einzel- als auch im Mehrspielermodus angegangen werden.

Beschreibung aus dem AppStore (englisch):

Par Out Golf is OpenFeint's Free Game of the Day! Download the Game Channel app to get a FREE game every day!

Ready for an exciting new golfing experience? Something uniquely challenging, family-friendly and refreshingly uncomplicated? Then hit the links with Par Out Golf, “the greatest golf you'll ever play… with your fingertip!"


"The core gameplay of Par Out Golf is quite fun and offers more challenge than you might actually expect." - Blake Grundman, 148Apps (4/5 AWESOME DRIVE)

"Par Out Golf, an enjoyable twist on the golfing genre from Endless Wave Software." - Philip Michaels, Macworld (3½/5)

"For those who want something a little different, then Par Out Golf is well worth the green fees." - Steve McCaskill, Pocket Gamer (8/10 Silver Award)

"Par Out Golf is a superbly fun game, that while simple to learn (who doesn’t know how to draw a line) still offers players a challenging and different golfing experience." - Brett Nolan, AppAddict.net (4½/5)

"If you’re looking for a unique golf experience, Par Out Golf is definitely for you." - The Gamer With Kids

"The social and multiplayer options in this game are what puts it over the top as one of the best golf games I’ve played." - Touch Reviews (4½/5)

"Par Out Golf is a delightfully engaging game for golfers and non-golfers alike." - Hannah Camacho, AppAdvice (4/5)


Drive, hook and draw your way through two stunningly illustrated 18-hole courses using our unique style of game play. Here's a sneak “how-to” peak:

● Visualize your shot towards the cup. Just like the real thing, plan the simplest path that will get you on the green in the fewest number of strokes.
● Touch and hold the ball, and the fun begins! The clouds roll in, the fairway disappears, and then… you take your shot!
● Relying only on your memory and a steady finger, you must move the ball towards the cup while trying to avoid the shot-stopping trees and rocks, and penalty inducing water and sand traps. The hardest part is remembering where they are! Your shot can twist and turn in any way you'd like - the laws of physics don't apply!
● Finally, take your finger off the screen, the clouds push back, and you are left to jubilation, or, gut-wrenching heart-ache. It’s that simple!

Here's more!

● Be social! Play up to 4-players at a time on the same device, or use Game Center to go one-on-one against friends and other golfers from around the world.
● Play Par Out Golf over and over again! The game is never the same twice and certainly not as easy as it sounds!
● Unlock new courses and earn badges the better you play!
● Use Game Center to quickly invite others to play. Be on the fairway with friends in seconds!
● Family friendly! Play with your kids. Teach them the game of golf. Or, they may teach YOU a thing or two.
● Earn bragging rights and crush your friends. Watch the Game Center leader-board and track scores from all over the world.
● Uncomplicated. Challenging. Addicting. Social. Just like the real thing!
● Based on the award-winning Par Out Golf: The Links at “Pen”Hurst Board Game. www.paroutgolf.com.

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