"Harbor Master" (& HD) erstmals kostenlos


Quelle: Imangi Studios


Seit Flight Control das "Line Drawing"-Genre im AppStore im Jahre 2009 quasi eingefόhrt hat, gibt es kaum einen Tag, an dem nicht irgendein mehr oder weniger schlechter Klon im AppStore erscheint.
Doch es gibt auch wirklich gute Vertreter neben dem "Original". Auf jeden Fall dazu gehφrt das Spiel Harbor Master von Imangi Studios, bei dem du die ankommenden Schiffe in einem Hafen an ihre richigen Anleger lotsen musst.
Auch dieses Spiel ist bereits im Jahre 2009 fόr iPhone und iPod touch erschienen und jetzt erstmalig kostenlos. Dies gilt auch fόr die iPad-Variante Harbor Master HD  , die gleich zu Beginn der ipad-Einfόhrung im Frόhjahr 2010 erschienen ist.
Beschreibung von Harbor Master aus dem AppStore (englisch):

Download the @FreeAppADay Store App and wish for more top rated paid apps like Harbor Master to become FREE for a day!
Relax and let the sounds of the sea transport you far away. You are the Harbor Master in a busy harbor. Direct boats into the docks, watch them unload their cargo, and direct them off the screen. But be careful not to let the boats crash, and watch out for the pirates, monsters, and cyclones!
This classic best-seller now has beautiful high resolution graphics for iPhone 4 Retina Display. It looks amazing! And don't miss the brand new level, Cargo City!
"New and Noteworthy," "Hot" -- Apple
"No questions, the single most addictive game I have ever played on the iPhone." -- The Appera
"You will absolutely love Harbor Master." -- The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
"Harbor Master may be the best pick up and play title in the App Store. " -- AppAdvice.com
#3 Top Paid App
- Seven exciting maps, each with its own challenges:
* Fishing Bay - A peaceful harbor to get you started.
* Cyclone Island - Careful, cyclones spin your ships around!
* Sturgeon Creek - Make sure the right cargo goes to the right port.
* Cannon Beach - Can you fight off the pirates with your trusty cannon?
* Smugglers' Reef - Help the smugglers unload their loot in the right port. How well can you multitask?
* Monster Cove - There's word that monsters haunt this harbor…
* NEW! Cargo City - Three cargo colors! Can you handle it?!
- Multitasking support
- Multiplayer! Compete with your friends via Bluetooth. Who will be the ultimate Harbor Master?
- Online leaderboards
- Original island soundtrack
- Beautiful high resolution graphics for Retina Display!
- The most addictive, fast-paced line-drawing action ever!


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