D Heute gibt es ein paar Hamburger Hafen-Bilder für euch. An den Landungsbrücken treibe ich mich ehrlich gesagt nicht so oft rum, eigentlich überhaupt kaum an den Touristenorten. Obwohl diese ohne Frage sehr schön sind. Letztes Wochenende hatte ich Besuch aus der Heimat und was gibt es für einen besseren Anlass um all die Touristenorte abzuklappern?An den Landungsbrücken fahren einige Fähren ab, mit denen man mit einem ganz normalen HVV-Ticket fahren kann, das wollte ich schon lange mal machen. Und dieses Wochenende gab es dann mal die Gelegenheit dazu. Dabei sind die beiden Bilder, die ich euch heute präsentiere entstanden. Na was sagt ihr zu den Bildern?
E Today I have some "Hamburg harbor"- pictures for you. Actually I'm not often at the gangplanks or other touristic place. Although they are pretty and everything. Last weekend a friend from home visited me and it was the perfect occasion to visit all the touristic places, isn't it?There are some ferries over there, with which you can drive with your normal bus ticket and I wanted to do that for a really long time now. Well this weekend I got the chance and that's where I made today's pictures.So, what do you think about them?

E Today I have some "Hamburg harbor"- pictures for you. Actually I'm not often at the gangplanks or other touristic place. Although they are pretty and everything. Last weekend a friend from home visited me and it was the perfect occasion to visit all the touristic places, isn't it?There are some ferries over there, with which you can drive with your normal bus ticket and I wanted to do that for a really long time now. Well this weekend I got the chance and that's where I made today's pictures.So, what do you think about them?