Haha. Hier mal was humorvolles.

Von Marley

Czech Red Cross

Zoo Safari

Kayaking Jumbo Peanut: Choking

Deutscher Olympischer SportBund

Cafe Rico: Wrecking ball

Lazer Bike Helmets – Hospital

Community For The Elderly

Penguins Fighting

Utopolis, Group of Cinemas: Titanic

Big Babol

Viewing Koala

Nikol baking dish: Jacuzzi

Don’t treat Diabetes to your heart

Make a Drawing

McDonald’s: Billboards 200m-197m

Free Your Sport

Alka Seltzer: Hangover

If the tree falls, we all fall

Eggs & beans

Fresh Step: Cross-legged cats

Stable Shot

Kiss FM: iPod Father

Sleepiness is stronger than you

Sharp – WMF

Marie Claire: The naked issue

Pringles Hot and Spicy: Balloon

If you want a stronger marriage, work on it together

Guinness beer: Einstein

Secretaria Estadual Da Saúde: Monster Hands
