E Some time ago, i have told you about the little Guiseppe. The young cat, that we found on the premises of a friend of mine. He was famished and thirsty, so we suggested that he had no home and my friend decided to take the little kitten with her. But I never told you, how the story ended, whether the kitty turned out to be fine, even trought I wanted to, but I always forgot. On the picture below, you see him on the day we found him. Today he is a little bit bigger and he gets food and love from another friend, which got Guiseppe passed on to. Now his name is Simba.But also the secret what had happend to him is disclosed, because after all the facebookposts we made for him, somebody messaged us - the former neighbor of the owners of Guiseppe. She was indignant over what had happend to the little cat, because the owners told her, that they had sold him. Indeed, they wanted to get rid of him for some time, because he was ill. It wasn't a very tragic illness, but expensive to treat nonetheless. Of corse, the story touched us and i think it's very sad, that you can abandon a loved pet because of an illness. In addiction I think you should love a pet as a family member, at least I did it like that, and you don't abadon a family member because of any illness. Why do I tell you that? I don't really know, maybe just because I'm so upset about it.
D Schon etwas länger her, da habe ich euch von dem kleinen Guiseppe erzählt. Der junge Kater, der uns auf dem Acker einer Freundin zugelaufen ist. Da er so ausgehungert und durstig war, schlossen wir darauf, dass er ausgesetzt wurde und meine Freundin nahm sie damals mit nachhause. Aber wie die Geschichte des kleinen Kater weiterging habe ich nie mit euch geteilt, obwohl ich das oft wollte. Auf dem Bild seht ihr den Kleinen am Tag, an dem wir ihn fanden.Heute ist er etwas dicker und wird gefüttert und geliebt von einer weiteren Freundin, an die er weiter gegeben wurde und bei der er nun glücklich lebt. Er heißt inzwischen Simba.Aber auch seine Vergangenheit wurde auch mehr oder weniger gelüftet, denn auf die vielen Facebooksuchen über ihn meldete sich die ehemalige Nachbarin der Besitzer um sich zu erkundigen wie es dem Kleinen geht. Sie war ziemlich entrüstet, da die Besitzer ihr sagten, dass sie den Kater verkauft hätten. Allerdings wollten diese ihn schon länger loswerden, da er irgendeine Krankheit hat, die zwar nicht besonders tragisch, aber teuer ist. Natürlich hat uns die Geschichte berührt und ich finde es sehr traurig, dass man ein geliebtes Tier wegen einer solchen Krankheit einfach aussetzt und sich selbst überlässt. Schließlich war ein glückliches Ende, wie er es nun hat, nicht voraussehbar. Außerdem finde ich man sollte ein Tier lieben wie ein Familienmitglied, zumindest habe ich das immer so getan, und ein Familienmitglied verstößt man auch nicht wegen irgendeiner Krankheit. Wieso ich euch das erzähle? Ich weiß nicht, vielleicht einfach nur um meiner Entrüstung über manche Menschen Raum zu bieten.
E Some time ago, i have told you about the little Guiseppe. The young cat, that we found on the premises of a friend of mine. He was famished and thirsty, so we suggested that he had no home and my friend decided to take the little kitten with her. But I never told you, how the story ended, whether the kitty turned out to be fine, even trought I wanted to, but I always forgot. On the picture below, you see him on the day we found him. Today he is a little bit bigger and he gets food and love from another friend, which got Guiseppe passed on to. Now his name is Simba.But also the secret what had happend to him is disclosed, because after all the facebookposts we made for him, somebody messaged us - the former neighbor of the owners of Guiseppe. She was indignant over what had happend to the little cat, because the owners told her, that they had sold him. Indeed, they wanted to get rid of him for some time, because he was ill. It wasn't a very tragic illness, but expensive to treat nonetheless. Of corse, the story touched us and i think it's very sad, that you can abandon a loved pet because of an illness. In addiction I think you should love a pet as a family member, at least I did it like that, and you don't abadon a family member because of any illness. Why do I tell you that? I don't really know, maybe just because I'm so upset about it.
E Some time ago, i have told you about the little Guiseppe. The young cat, that we found on the premises of a friend of mine. He was famished and thirsty, so we suggested that he had no home and my friend decided to take the little kitten with her. But I never told you, how the story ended, whether the kitty turned out to be fine, even trought I wanted to, but I always forgot. On the picture below, you see him on the day we found him. Today he is a little bit bigger and he gets food and love from another friend, which got Guiseppe passed on to. Now his name is Simba.But also the secret what had happend to him is disclosed, because after all the facebookposts we made for him, somebody messaged us - the former neighbor of the owners of Guiseppe. She was indignant over what had happend to the little cat, because the owners told her, that they had sold him. Indeed, they wanted to get rid of him for some time, because he was ill. It wasn't a very tragic illness, but expensive to treat nonetheless. Of corse, the story touched us and i think it's very sad, that you can abandon a loved pet because of an illness. In addiction I think you should love a pet as a family member, at least I did it like that, and you don't abadon a family member because of any illness. Why do I tell you that? I don't really know, maybe just because I'm so upset about it.