Gesehenes - September '10

Gesehenes - September '10
"Synecdoche, New York" [USA '08, Kaufman] - 7/10
"The Expendables" [USA '10, Stallone] - 6,5/10
"Zombie 2 - Das letzte Kapitel" [USA '85, Romero] - 6,5/10
"Der Club der toten Dichter" [USA '89, Weir] - 8/10
"Die Bucht" ['09, Psihoyos] - 9/10
"Casablanca" [USA '42, Curtiz] - 8/10
"Bad Lieutenant - Cop ohne Gewissen" [USA '09, Herzog] - 6,5/10
"Casino" [USA, F '95, Scorsese] - 8,5/10
"Flucht aus Absolom" [USA '94, Campbell] - 6/10
"Phantom-Kommando" [USA '85, Lester] - 8/10
"Land of the Dead" [USA, F, CAN '05, Romero] - 8/10
"James Bond - 007 jagt Dr. No" [GB '62, Young] - 6,5/10
"Robin Hood" [USA, GB '10, Scott] - 5,5/10

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