Gallery: Stunning photographs by Ramtin Zanjani

Von Seeance

Ramtin Zanjani is a captivating artist.

Born in 1979 in Tehran/Iran, Zanjani studied documentaries, fine arts and architecture photography in Pune/India.

He currently lives in Berlin, working as an art director, photographer, editor, and artist.

Zanjani finds this city inspirational and feels this is the most  perfect  part of the world to pursue his career as an artist!

“I am now based in Berlin, a city that allows me to bring everything together under one cohesive structure that can house and express my work with no restriction. Art direction is the idea and force. Applied art is the means…”

When we look at Zanjani´s oeuvre, it becomes obvious that it is impossible to attribute him to certain mediums or styles. Instead, we find contemporary, trendy street art images, impressive vintage illustrations, romantic grainy photographs, or colourful bold graphic design works – which is exactly what makes his work so interesting and authentic.
The titles of his collections reveal Zanjani´s strong interest in poetical language – with names such as Echoes in eternity, Sleep of the peace, Ballad of a Thin Man, or It Seems To Remain.

“I am equally influenced by music, poetry and words.
Stripping things down, removing the coating. It didn’t happen straight away. It was a long journey. A process of reducing things to their essential aspects. Lines, colours, forms and rhythms-the very basics of the visual matters”, says the artist.

We can see this concept of lines, form, rhythms, maybe even music, in the following series of beautiful black and white images by Zanjani.

We invite you to make up your very own poem to each of those pictures – enjoy!


Ramtin Zanjani ist ein Künstler, den man sich merken sollte.

Er wurde 1979 in Teheran/Iran geboren und studierte Dokumentation, Kunst und Architekturfotografie in Pune/Indien. Jetzt lebt er in Berlin, wo er als Art Director, Fotograf, Redakteur und Künstler arbeitet.

Für Zanjani ist Berlin die perfekte Stadt, um Inspirationen zu finden und um als Künstler zu leben:
„I am now based in Berlin, a city that allows me to bring everything together under one cohesive structure that can house and express my work with no restriction. Art direction is the idea and force. Applied art is the means…“

Wenn wir Zanjanis Oeuvre betrachten, merken wir schnell, dass es unmöglich ist, ihn einer bestimmten Gattung oder einem bestimmten Stil zuzuordnen. Sein Portfolio geht von up-to-date Street Art Bildern über eindurcksvolle Vintage-Bilder über romantische, grobkörnige Fotografien bis hin zu grellbunten Grafik-Design-Arbeiten. Und genau diese Mischung macht ihn als Künstler so authentisch und interessant.

Die Namen, die er seinen Werken gibt, unterstreichen sein großes Interesse an der Poesie – wir finden hier Titel wie z.B.
Echoes in Eternity, Sleep of the Peace, Ballad of a Thin Man, oder It Seems To Remain.

„I am influenced- equally- by music, poetry and words. Stripping things down, removing the coating. It didn’t happen straight away. It was a long journey. A process of reducing things to their essential aspects. Lines, colours, forms and rhythms-the very basics of the visual matters“, erzählt Zanjani.

Diese Linien, Formen, Rhythmen, vielleicht sogar Musik, können wir eindeutig in dieser Serie von tollen Schwarz-Weiß-Bildern finden.

Vielleicht fällt euch zu dem ein oder anderen Bild euer ganz eigenes Lied oder Gedicht ein… Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß. 

© Ramtin Zanjani

No Sympathy © Ramtin Zanjani

Deja vu © Ramtin Zanjani

Spontaneous Combustion © Ramtin Zanjani

Sleep Of the Peace 1 © Ramtin Zanjani

Sleep Of the Peace 2 © Ramtin Zanjani

Echoes in Eternity © Ramtin Zanjani