Fruit-Ninja-Klon: Gamerizon kündigt neues Spiel "Chop Chop Slicer" an

vergrφίernQuelle: Gamerizon

Gamerizon kopiert das Prinzip des millionenfach verkauften Erfolgstitels Fruit Ninja, bringt das Spiel ins Weltall und schon ist ihr neuestes Chop-Chop-Spiel fertig. Dieses trδgt den Namen Chop Chop Slicer und wurde kόrzlich mit einem Trailer offiziell angekόndigt.

Erscheinen wird das Spiel am 9. Juni im AppStore.

Beschreibung (englisch):

Chop Chop Slicer will invade the App Store on June 9th!

Transform your finger into a razor-sharp weapon and fight Aliens with the precise "Slice 'n Dice" technology:

Precise complex object slicing:

The player gets to decide at which precise position and angle the object will be cut. Chop Chop Slicer also features detailed concave targets, unlike most slicing games which use pre-determined cutting angles on simple convex objects.

Real-time mesh slicing technology with physics dynamics:

The fragmentation caused by the slicing action creates realistic fall patterns based on the laws of physics. An object can be cut multiple times, thus creating accurate and visually stunning graphic effects.

Dynamic squad-based tactics for AI movement patterns:

Chop Chop Slicer uses a variety of dynamic movement patterns, inspired by military tactics. The enemy flies in organized groups to attack in order to enhance the player's experience. This feature adds tremendous challenge to the gameplay, especially in arcade mode.

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