fresh mint tea

fresh mint tea

as autumn has arrived it is time for sitting on the sofa, cuddled up in a blanket with woolen socks on your feet, a good book and a glass of hot tea, of course!

the easiest way of having some tea from your homegrown herbs, without time consuming drying of the herbs and so on, is a fresh mint tea. all you need are some sprigs of fresh mint, some honey and hot water. let it steep for some minutes and you are ready to go back to your sofa.

it is much better than teabag peppermint teas and a lighter alternative to a classic the à la menthe, which is with additional black or green tea.

enjoy the good sides of the colder seasons. and what book are you currently reading on the sofa? i am waiting for the falls edition of the kinfolk magazin and hope it will arrive soon!

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