FRAGEBOGEN: Jakub Ondra [English Version]

Von Bleistiftrockerde

„Fragebogen" is a standard interview with 15 questions around music plus a special task. This time it's the singer Jakub Ondra who answers them.

*** Hier geht es zur deutschen Version des Fragebogens ***

First cd: The first CD I've ever bought was Jason Mraz - „We sing. We dance. We steal things."

First concert: First concert I've ever been to was Tomas Klus concert. Probably also the best concert I've ever been to.

First childhood memory related to music: We listened to many Czech folk singers while going somewhere in a car when I was a kid.

Favourite song at the moment: Matt Corby - Brother

A rather embarrassing song you like: Nicki Minaj - Anaconda xD

Favourite song among your own: Tram no. 15

Favourite songlyrics: Tomas Klus - Neklid

Best concert: The best concert I've ever been to was probably Tomas Klus.

Worst concert: Luckily none of the concerts I've ever been to wasn't bad so I don't know.

Best concert among your own: When I played on the street in Belgrade.

Vinyl, cd or mp3? Definitely vinyl.

Download or stream? Streaming is cheaper. 🙂

Club concert or festival? Festival. I like the atmosphere better.

Three songs that really have to be on your mixtape: Tram no. 15; Cast the Line; On the Menu

An album you would NOT take with you to a lonely island: I would not probably take One Direction's album with me to a lonely island.

More about Jakub Ondra