Four Tet Mix – Solid Steel Radio Show 01.11.2013

Jawollo! Am heutigen Mischkassetten-Freitag gibbet Gute-Laune-Musik von der Solid Steel Radio Show. Der Londoner DJ Four Tet war am 01.11.2013 zum “Müschen” eingeladen und hat diesen schönen 2-Stunden-Mix liegen lassen.

Solid Steel (1st November) Having announced that Four Tet will be joining the line up for the Solid Steel 25th Anniversary night at Fire in London on 6th Dec, we now hand over the decks to him for a 2 Hour exclusive mix.

Four Tet Mix   Solid Steel Radio Show 01.11.2013


1. Play­boy Mommy edit
2. Musiq – Pho­to­ma­chi­ne H.E.R raw edit
3. HR Groo­ve (J Rocc edit)
4. Mar­cos Valle Floa­ting Points edit
5. K54 – Aight Aight Aight!
6. Sweet Love (volca edit)
7. Ain‘t no need (Zer­nell and Good­king edit)
8. Give it up and turn it loose (Black Cock edit)
9. Girl you need a chan­ge of mind (Bobby Bus­nach edit)
10. Mar­vin time to get it to­ge­ther (Da­phni edit)
11. Ever­y­day Ex­ten­ded Edit
12. Joni Mit­chell Dream­land edit
13. Ar­thur Rus­sell Fla­grant Foul edit
14. Jerry Green Da­phni edit
15. We­a­ther Re­port – Non stop edit
16. Peaches and Pru­nes edit Ron Hardy
17. Funky Nas­sau (KH edit)
18. Teddy Pen­der­grass – Sunshi­ne Sound edit
19. Happy song or dance (FK edit)
20. Ugly Edit 6
21. Ki­kro­kus Ron Hardy edit
22. Edie and the Eggs edit
23. Jack Your Big Booty (Happa edit)
24. Can­ned Heat Da­phni Edit
25. Pha­roah Black Unity club mix
26. What’s going on ex­ten­ded loud drums
27. si­lence
28. Peter Fin­ger loop

[via funkymischwerk]

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