Finde deinen Job in der Spielebranche: IT Project Manager bei Blue Byte

Finde deinen Job in der Spielebranche: IT Project Manager bei Blue ByteBlue Byte sucht derzeit nach Unterstützung im Projektmanagement. Das für „ Die Siedler" und „ Anno" bekannte Entwicklerstudio aus Düsseldorf sucht konkret nach einem IT Project Manager (f/m). Zu deiner Hauptaufgabe gehört das Planen, Steuern und Kontrollieren von Spieleprojekten in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Team Leads und Technical Account Managern.

Hier ein Auszug für die Stelle als IT Project Manager (f/m):

  • Gather, define and refine clients' requirements and perform thorough analysis identifying major impacts on existing systems
  • Communicate effectively with clients to identify and evaluate their needs and on case proposing alternative business solutions and offer transparency throughout the project to all parties
  • Work closely with Online Technical Account Manager & Team Lead on projects planning
  • Create and execute project work plans and revise as appropriate to meet changing needs and requirements
  • Estimate resources allocation according to the project needs
  • Drive the project from initiation to the post launch phase
  • Validate the project deliverables (project documentation, user guides, etc.)
  • Leverage the right resources to provide support to operations in solving different tickets
  • Work experience in project management within IT company
  • Good knowledge of client-server and web architecture
  • General understanding in the areas of application programming, database and system design
  • Keen interest on new and emerging technologies and on how these may apply on client engagements
  • Creative and innovative way of working
  • Ability to improve cooperation into a multicultural and distributed environment
  • Proven strong analytical skills in IT projects
  • Commitment to excellence, quality oriented
  • Excellent oral and written English skills; French will be a plus
  • Project management certifications (e.g. PMP, Prince2) will be a plus
We offer
  • Opportunity to work side by side with world class concept artists on challenging AAA projects;
  • Professional working environment and access to new technologies;
  • Career opportunities, including the possibility of professional exchanges with other Ubisoft studios around the world;
  • Incentive programs meant to ensure our new employees an easy integration in the teams;
  • Motivating salary and bonuses;
  • Comprehensive benefits package, incl. meal tickets, transport titles, private medical insurance, etc.;
  • International work culture;
  • Excellent office location;
  • Relocation assistance.

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About the author

Finde deinen Job in der Spielebranche: IT Project Manager bei Blue Byte

Ein Gamer der Atari 2600 Generation. Hat bisher so ziemlich alles im Bereich Gaming miterlebt. Als Student der Medientechnik ist es interessant zu beobachten, in welche Richtung sich die Branche Jahr für Jahr bewegt. So schreibt er im Blog über dieses und jenes was mit der Gaming Branche zu tun hat.

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