Was sagt ihr zu den heutigen Bildern? Findet ihr sie auch so idyllisch?
E Sometimes I really miss to just leave the house walk some meters and be in the field, forest and nature. So at my last photo excursion to Buchholz with the ArtRoom community I felt like home. The actual destination was the "Kunststätte Bossard", which is really outlying in a forest near Buchholz. We decided to walk, which was a really nice way through nature. In total the route were just 6 or 7 kilometers but we needed about two and a half hours. What's maybe because we stopped often to take pictures. But it was just idyllic and beautiful there, that's why I made the most photos of field and nature. The "Kunststätte Bossard" itself wasn't really my thing, it's the house of an artist which shaped it pretty artful and spiritual. I just thought it would be bigger and without a guide you couldn't even see all of it and the art was too dark and overloaded for my taste. So in this post I won't show you the Kunststätte itself.
What do you think about today's picture?