Gestern war schon der erste Advent und übermorgen ist schon der 1. Dezember. Das bedeutet nur noch gut 4 Wochen bis schon wieder Weihnachten ist. Und jetzt sieht man es auch schon überall: Menschen, eingemummelt in dicke Jacken und mit Schal und Mütze, Weihnachtsmärkte und Tonnen von Weihnachtsbeleuchtung. Volle Einkaufsstrassen und grelle Lichter finde ich aber nicht besonders besinnlich. Deswegen hier ein paar Bilder, die eine ruihge und schöne Wiehnachtszeit einleuchten sollen...
It's unbelievable. Yesterday was Advent 1st and the day after tommorrow is the 1st of December. In a bit more then 4 weeks it's christmas already! And now one can see it everywhere: people tucked in big winter jackets, with carfs and hats; christmas markets wherever you go and loads of christmas light everywhere around the town. But crowded streets and pushing people are not what i think about, when i think about the holidays. So here some pictures about how i experience the time before christmas...

It's unbelievable. Yesterday was Advent 1st and the day after tommorrow is the 1st of December. In a bit more then 4 weeks it's christmas already! And now one can see it everywhere: people tucked in big winter jackets, with carfs and hats; christmas markets wherever you go and loads of christmas light everywhere around the town. But crowded streets and pushing people are not what i think about, when i think about the holidays. So here some pictures about how i experience the time before christmas...