En Guete.

In mehreren asiatischen Ländern kommen Speisen auf den Teller, die in westlichen Küchen kaum vorstellbar sind. Vietnam scheint da kaum eine Ausnahme zu sein.

En Guete.

Kambodschanische Ratten für Vietnams Küche. (The Phnom Penh Post, May 10, 2011) Photo by: Heng Chivoan

Und so haben findige Kambodschaner einen willkommenen Zusatzverdienst entdeckt. Sie exportieren Feldratten nach Vietnam! Und das alles zollfrei: da in Kambodscha Ratten als Schädlinge gelten, muss kein Exportzoll bezahlt werden.

VIETNAMESE demand for field rat meat is boosting some Cambodians’ income, local traders say.

Traders in Kandal province claimed the Vietnamese consider rat meat an affordable delicacy, and said it generated a modest wage that often served as a secondary source of income.

“Rats in Vietnam are used for food, and sometimes to make pâté meat,” said Hourt Vy, who for 10 years has been buying rats in Kandal and selling them in the Kingdom’s eastern neighbour.

He claimed rat meat was well regarded in parts of Vietnam, and enjoyed on the level of pork and beef.

Hourt Vy said he can collect as much as 150 kilogrammes a day, buying them for 3,500 riel per kilogramme and selling them across the border for 4,000 riel per kilogramme.

“People without a job can do this to make money to support their families. And some do it to add to money they’re already making at their regular job,” he said, adding that rat traders can turn profits up to 15,000 riel per day.

Sang Yung, a buyer in Kandal province’s Koh Thom district, said he has exported rats from Kandal, Kampong Cham and Kampong Thom provinces to Vietnam. His Vietnamese customers pay 4,200 riel per kilogramme, giving him a profit of 200 riel per kilogramme.

“Vietnam indeed needs more rats because they use it for food. And dead rats are used to feed fish and crocodiles,” he said.

Sang Yung added that rat trading is currently a popular profession as demand from Vietnam is high.

In Khun, district governor in Koh Thom said that rat trading serves a dual purpose for people in his area.

“Most are farmers growing dry-season rice who capture the rats to keep them from eating the rice, but they can make additional money by selling the rats as well,” said In Khun.

The Cambodian government does not charge a tax on rat exports because they damage crops here, some rat traders said………………


  • http://www.phnompenhpost.com/index.php/2011051048970/Business/raising-rat-revenue.html

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