Duck Sauce "Barbra Streisand"

Duck Sauce – Barbra Streisand

Die beiden Herren A-Trak und und Armand Van Helden machen ja schon seit einiger Zeit  unter dem Namen Duck Sauce zusammen Musik.

Jetzt ist endlich auch ein offizielles Video zu ihrer Single ” Barbara Streisand” erschienen.

Das Video wurde vom wunderbaren SO-ME in die Welt gesetzt, der ja auch schon Video´s für Justice,Kid Cudi und MGMT gemacht hat. Mit von der Party sind sind u.a auch Pharell, Chromeo, DJ Mehdi und ich glaub auch irgendwo Kaney West.

Wird wohl wieder so ein Hype  .. is ja grad auf fast jedem Blog vertreten..
aber das spricht ja eigentlich nur fürs Video


Duck Sauce, the eminent producer duo comprised of A-Trak and Armand Van Helden, are primed to drop their second official single, “Barbra Streisand” on October 12th. If 3 million YouTube views of last year’s debut “aNYway” are any indicator, the official release of “Barbra Streisand” will be met with rabid anticipation as fan-recorded bootlegs have fueled blog excitement all summer.

“Barbra Streisand” continues to perfect the Duck Sauce sound, which joyously mashes classic disco house with forward-thinking dancefloor energy and expert production. A-Trak and AVH are bona fide DJ heroes whose team-ups are fueled by anything-goes samples, an almost childlike sense of fun, and 100% NYC attitude. This approach has made Duck Sauce fans-for-life out of partygoers around the globe, and will continue to convert anyone within earshot of “Barbra”‘s instantly addictive, whistling hook.

For the video, director So Me (Justice, Kid Cudi, MGMT) uses the song to soundtrack a hyperactive, ecstatic New York City travelogue. Shot over a week of long nights out with A-Trak and Armand (including live footage from the Fool’s Gold “Day Off” labor day block party), the clip is a pop-art adventure starring commandeered taxis and hotdog stands, sexy strangers, and a who’s-who of famous friends: rappers, producers, indie rockers, graffiti writers and nightlife icons all take turns adding their own special sauce to the song, turning “Barbra Streisand” into one of this year’s must-rewind clips.

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