Drohnen mit Kameras in Island

Bildschirmfoto 2014-12-08 um 13.20.13

Drohnen in Island. Die F-Stoppers waren mit mehreren Drohnen in Island unterwegs. Das Ergebnis wird ein Tutorial zu Landschafts- und Reisefotografie sein. Das diese Truppe einiges auf dem Kasten hat, sieht man im Ergebnis.

Patrick and I have been in Iceland for 2 weeks with Elia Locardi filming our next tutorial on landscape/travel photography. We brought a truck-load of gear with us but our favorite piece has been our DJI phantom quadcopter. Here’s a quick cut of our best drone footage in Iceland.

To film this we used a DJI Phantom 2 with Zenmuse H3-3D gimbal.  For a video camera we used a GoPro Hero 4 Silver shot at 2.7k at 30fps and then slowed to 24fps in post. Slowing the footage down 20% gives it a slightly dreamy look and shooting at 2.7k and then downsampling to 1080p gives you super sharp video that you can zoom into if needed. I can hardly believe that none of this footage was graded, enhanced, or stabilized in any way. The GoPro was left on “auto everything” for every shot and it did an absolutely stunning job. We’ve actually found that the footage out of this GoPro looks significantly better than the footage from our Nikon D810 cameras. 

(via Testspiel.de)

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