Dis’collection – Saturday Night Influences #2

Dis’collection – Saturday Night Influences #2TRACKLIST:

Hailu Mergia and the Wallias Band - Muziqawi Silt - Kaifa Records
The Emotions - If you think it - Volt Records
Esther Philips - Justified - Kudu Records
Carla Thomas - Promises - Atlantic
Syl Johnson - Don't do it - Hi Records
Lou Rawls - Let me be good to you - Philadelphia International records
Karin Jones - Under the influence of love - Handshake Records and Tapes
Brazil ritmo - Chô Chuà - Som Livre
The Chakachas - Eso es el amor - Polydor
Torbjörn Langborn & the feel life orchestra - Mi bombacharanga - Amigo
Esperanto - Latin Strut - Freestyle Records
Djavan - Fato consumado - Som Livre
Gustavo - Nao vou ficar - Polydor
Mike Burns - O Combio
Roger Manning & Brian Retzell - Metromorphoses - Diess Records
Fatback Band - Let the Drums Speak - Event Records
Margaret Singana - Why did you do it - Jo'Burg Records
James Polk & The Brothers - Just Plain Funk - Twink Records
Big Al & the Star Treks - Funk Funk - Double M
Ecstasy, Passion & Pain - Ask me - Roulette Records
Mikki Farrow - Itching for love - Emerald International Records
Chaos in the cbd - Digital Harmony - Mule Musiq
Unknown artist - Too far long (H.O.M)
Mad Rey - MSW (Dub Mix) - DKO Records
Borrowed Identity - Queens Bridge (Original Mix) - Lumberjacks in Hell
Fonda Rae - Living in ecstasy (Mood II Swing groove mix edit) - Wave Music
Tempo - You are a superstar (Elijah in space) - Clairaudience
Artight Garage - Feed the baby - Easy Street Records

About The Author

Dis’collection – Saturday Night Influences #2

aka SOULGURU // straight outta Coburg (Oberfranken) // wohnhaft in der Nähe von Stuttgart // Jahrgang 61 // musikbegeistert seit früher Kindheit // hauptberuflich in leitender Stellung als Logistiker tätig // Vater von 2 Söhnen // Musik-Blogger seit 2009

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