Der Social Bookmarking Dienst Delicious wechselt den Besitzer

Heute Nacht wurden die Nutzer von Delicious per Mail informiert, dass der beliebte Social Bookmarking Dienst den Besitzer wechselt. Nicht mehr Yahoo sondern AVOS ist künftig der Betreiber. AVOS ist ein neues Unternehmen von Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, den Gründern von YouTube und den Mitentwicklern von PayPal. Liest man diese Historie, scheint der Wechsel für Delicious-Nutzer kein Nachteil zu sein. Die beiden scheinen zu wissen was sie zun. Die komplette Nachricht:


Dear Delicious User,
This is our final notice to let you know that Delicious is transitioning to a new owner, AVOS. To continue using Delicious, you must agree to let Yahoo! transfer your bookmarks and Delicious account information to AVOS by September 23, 2011. After your bookmarks and account information have been transferred, you will be subject to the AVOS terms of service and privacy policy.


Delicious has been acquired by the founders of YouTube, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen. As creators of the world's largest video site, Chad and Steve have enabled millions of people to share their interests and experiences with the world. Delicious will become part of their new company, AVOS, and retain its own brand and website,

Reasons to let Yahoo! transfer your bookmarks and account information

• Continue uninterrupted use of Delicious.
• Keep your Delicious username, account information, and all your bookmarks.
• Enjoy innovative new features that enhance your Delicious experience.

What happens if you do not transfer your bookmarks and account information

• Delicious in its current form will be available until September 23, 2011.
• After September 23, 2011, you will not be able to access your existing
Delicious account, including all bookmarks and account information.

About AVOS

AVOS is a new Internet company led by Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, who founded YouTube, the world's largest video site. Before YouTube, Chad and Steve were early employees at PayPal, a leading online payment service that is now part of eBay. AVOS is based in San Mateo, California.

Learn more about moving your bookmarks. If you would like, you may export or download your bookmarks before the transition.
Thank you for using Delicious. Yahoo! has appreciated having you with us, and we are pleased to
be able to transfer Delicious to an incredible new owner – you're in good hands.
The Yahoo! Delicious Team


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