Kurz vor dem Wochenende wollen wir dir den Job der Woche aus dem Games-Career Portal nicht vorenthalten. Das Team von Limbic Entertainment (u.a Might & Magic® X - Legacy und Might & Magic Heroes VI) sucht für den nächstmöglichen Termin nach einem Producer (m/w). In dieser Führungsrolle ist nicht nur dein Verantwortungsbewusstsein im Entwicklerteam gefragt, denn darüber hinaus musst du, je nach Meilenstein, unterschiedliche Budget- sowie Ressourcenpläne verfassen. Falls du also in Sachen Produktmanagement und Producing ein richtiges Ass bist, solltest du dir dieses Stellenangebot nicht entgehen lassen.
Hier ein Auszug für die Stelle als Producer:
Your tasks will include:
- Leading game production on one of our development teams
- Creating time, budget and resource plans, and taking responsibility for budgets and the team
- Generating and maintaining project plans, and greenlighting milestones
- Driving communication on the team and also with our external partners
- Organizing the product backlog, distributing tasks and moderating team meetings
- Overseeing the visualization, analysis and optimization of processes and production steps
- Improving our production methodologies and processes
- Presenting game and project progress to the company and also external stakeholders
- Ensuring that certain KPIs are reached and controlling the progress of production
- Identifying, monitoring and confining project risks
- Presenting builds, milestones and project results to customers, distributors, media and management
- Observing, comparing and analysing the market and competitors
- Several years of experience in game development as Producer or Project Manager
- Experienced team leader and several released products
- Highly responsible, dedicated and detail-oriented
- Cooperative management style
- Skills in agile development processes (e.g., Scrum)
- You think analytically and your working style is results-oriented
- You are a problem-solver who stays cool, even when dealing with a high workload
- High affinity with games, internet and multimedia
- Experience in working with Jira, Confluence, Google Docs and Office
Fluent in English
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