Death by diamonds and pearls…

Death by diamonds and pearls…

Well…no diamonds, just pearls. But still…

Death by diamonds and pearls…

Eigentlich wollte ich ja nur einen Weg finden, wie ich diese tollen Ohrringe (die leider zu schwer für mich sind, sie ziehen mir die Ohren einfach zu lang) doch noch tragen kann. Daraus ist meine neueste kleine Obsession geworden: Rocailles-Perlen.

I was actually searching for a way I could wear this beautiful gold earrings in spite of its heavy weight. I’d love to, but I just can’t wear it the way it was originally designed to. So my aching earlobes started a new obsession: I’m totally in love with Rocailles.

Death by diamonds and pearls…

And last but not least:

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