Darsteller Bobby Cannavale spricht über den Humor in MARVELS ANT-MAN


Schauspieler Bobby Cannavale, der neben Al Pacino in dem Drama Danny Collins zu sehen war und für seine Rolle als Gyp Rosetti in der Fernsehserie Boardwalk Empire bekannt ist, ist ebenso ein Teil des kommenden Marvel-Films Ant-Man aus dem Marvel Cinematic Universe. Derzeit wehen alle Flaggen des Studios in Richtung The Avengers: Age of Ultron, aber wir können uns sicher sein, dass sobald der Film in den Kinos ist, Marvel das Marketing für den kleinen Helden in Ameisengröße beginnen wird. Cannavale spielt einen Charakter namens Paxton, über den noch nichts genaueres bekannt ist. In einem Interview unterhält er sich aber über den Humor, nicht nur im Film, sondern auch am Set - sowie seiner Begegnung mit einem solchen Superhelden-Filmprojekt, das gänzlich anders abläuft als alle Filmarbeiten, an denen er bisher Teil haben durfte.

[...] it was a trip! I've never been in anything like that before. There's a ton of people on this crew. You could fit the entire "Station Agent" crew in... it was just huge! And there's blue screen everywhere. I remember one time we were shooting at nights for three weeks. I hadn't seen anything behind me that wasn't a blue screen for three nights in a row. I remember one night at four in the morning being frustrated and just saying, "If it's going to be blue screen all the time, why can't you just make it be night? Why do we actually have to be here at night?" That part of it was baffling to me.

Im Gegensatz zu der Erwartung, dass Ant-Man ein Blockbusterfilm aus dem Hause Marvel ist, erzählt Cannavale von dem Indie-Gefühl, das am Set vorherrschte.

But, the actual work - the scenes with me and Paul Rudd, and Judy Greer and Michael Pena - felt like an indie film. It felt like fun. [Director] Peyton Reed [and the studio], they weren't mercurial about the script. They weren't mercurial about the humor, at all. They let us be in charge of that. We improvised a lot. Judy Greer's very funny. Paul's very funny - he's a great improviser. The rewrite of the script that Paul did with McKay - and I've worked with McKay before - lent itself to that.

Für den Darsteller fühlte sich Ant-Man weniger an wie Thor, einem eher ernsten Sci-Fi/Fantasy-Vertreter des Marvel Cinematic Universe, dafür mehr wie Guardians of the Galaxy, der vom Ton her einen unfassbar leichten Humor präsentierte.

You could see that there's a funny scene and we could actually riff off of that, and that felt impressive to me in this big huge blockbuster film. It made me feel kind of good, that it felt like Marvel was going for something different. It didn't feel like "Thor." It felt more like "Guardians of the Galaxy," which I really enjoyed and I thought brought a certain levity to a superhero movie that I had never seen before.

Es scheint schwierig zu sein - ich kann es mir bildlich vorstellen - sich mit den Special Effects abzufinden, die Ant-Man nun einmal benutzen muss, um Paul Rudd auf Miniaturgröße zu schrumpfen. Was im fertigen Film für die Comicfilmwelt plausibel ausschauen mag, ist am Set natürlich eher lächerlich.

But still, it was a trip because I've known Paul for so long, since before he was famous like this, and it's just a trip to see one of your best friends in ridiculous leather suit with dots all over him and you're not supposed to laugh. We just laughed. He's supposed to be this big [pinches fingers together]. Then I'm supposed to see him growing in front of me. But what I'm really seeing is Paul off-camera standing on an apple box. Then he jumps off the apple box. And I'm supposed to act like he's growing in front of me and then lands with this really heroic pose, but he's jumping of a box with green dots on him.

Am 23. Juli 2015 bekommen wir Ant-Man in den Kinos zu Gesicht. Unter der Regie von Peyton Reed spielen Paul Rudd, Corey Stoll, Evangeline Lilly, Michael Douglas, Hayley Atwell, Judy Greer, Michael Peña, T. I. sowie Bobby Cannavale.

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