Part four of my report about the creativeworld will be about the friends and people I met. The other blogposts are linked below.
The image on the left shows my favourite picture. Why this is my fav I will tell you if you keep reading. Click 'read on', thank you.
Creativeworld 2014
chapter 1: New trends, products and selected highlights
chapter 2: The companies
chapter 3: The show itself, local events, the Messe Frankfurt
chapter 4: The people (read on)
chapter 5: conclusion (coming soon)
Most poeple - especially germans - are afraid of embarrassing situations. A while ago I decided not to care for that, life is so short and I want to make the most of it, embarrassing or not. Thats why I dare to tell the world that I love people, meeting people and talking about it. So today this is my favourite post in the series of blogposts about the creativeworld. It's all about the people.

I bragged about all the cool designteams I am on to impress Alfie and I think it worked. He wants to stay in touch. When I am done with all my show reports I will see if he can remember that, cross fingers for me please.
On the left you can see Alfie working with his new products. He was so enthusiastic, I hope I can see more of his work and the work of his teammates.
After I have read the story of the company on their website I have been impressed by the courage and dedication the owners have for their company. Maybe I can tell you more about that this year.
One of the female company owners is Iris Benkel Sommer (left), who has lots of fans in Germany. I have been told she would be the right person to ask everything about plotter machines. I decided not to ask because one day wouldn't be enough to answer all my questions. But she showed the new scan-plotter patiently to all visitors at the booth of hobbyplotter.de.

The young lady in the middle is a new blogfriend: Nadine Holdack. I will tell you more about the other bloggers on the bottom of the post.
A nice and uber-creative lady I met last autumn is Marianne Zender. She is the one person with the most pictures on the memory card of my camera. She moved so fast and kept showing the new techniques to everyone that it was hard to take a picture of her, they all have been a bit blurry, hehe.

The next person I met made me tremble a bit. She is a well known designer for the US company Spellbinders and I know her so well from her videos. When I saw her it was as if she jumped out of my video screen.
She knew my name! I am proud to be a small part of the Spellbinders family! Linda made demos with the latest die shapes and accessories. I got a pendant to play with! Thank you Linda!
Please meet Linda Molden Peterson. She is the second Spellbinders creative I have met after seeing Ken Oliver last year. It was a pleasure!

The next person on my list has been Andy Skinner. Since I started working with the gelli plate I recognized his amazing skill and talent. The best part of him stays hidden if you see his website and gallery: He is so kind! I had a very nice and interesting chat with him. Thank you Andy! We may not be real friends, just on facebook. But I had a great time talking to you and some of the details will stay in my mind for a while.

An artist who has been new to me worked at the booth of Hahnemühle: Pablo Ientile He demonstrated his unique style of sketching in the brandnew sketchbooks of Hahnemühle. He also was so nice, and spoke surprisingly well german! It was a pleasure to listen to him.

Not exactly german, but austrian was the artist Wilfried Ploderer, who worked for the company Brevillier. I went to the booth to ask some detailled questions about my favourite pastel and watercolor pens, but me and my friend Tanja got a long and thrilling introduction about watercoloring and other techniques. If you want to expand your artistic horizon I advise all of you to check the websites of all those artists. I learned so much and I am happy I met all of them.

Finally I will show you my personal highlight of all people of the show. Not because he is an artist or designer, he is just a plain company owner. For people outside of Germany the name "Rayher" may be new, but in Germany you can enter any random crafts shop and there it is: The Rayher logo! When I ran my own stamp shop, I have been a good customer of Rayher and always had a nice and friendly contact.
What I never knew I learned last year: The company is run by the Rayher family itself! I was so amazed by this fact, and even more thrilled when I saw Stephan Rayher at their booth. I tried to take some pictures in secret, but I was caught! When Mr. Rayher and his poeple recognized me they smiled for me, I still cannot believe it!

Stephan Rayher is the handsome guy in the middle. He also has been interviewed for an official video of the show. If you want to see him talking about the creativeworld (german) you may check the video at 1:04 on, my friend Marianne can be seen at 0:25.
Meeting someone who is a part of such a huge company had been such a pleasure! This really made my day.
This have been a few of the people I met at the creativeworld. Some of them famous, others creative and others are important for the whole business. But in the end I want to show you the people behind the scenes, behind the camera: The bloggers. The following list shows all the members of the first creativeworld bloggerlounge. The list has been put together by Claudia, her blog is on top of the list:
http://ilmondodiselezione.blogspot.de http://pearlsharbor.blogspot.de http://www.mamaglueck88.blogspot.de http://farbenfreundin.de http://www.scrap-impulse.typepad.com http://www.garn-und-mehr.de/scheregarnpapier http://relleomein.de http://www.johannarundel.de http://minifilz.blogspot.de http://happyserendipity.com http://dasrotegartenhaus.wordpress.com http://www.azurweiss.de http://www.pinkopossum.de http://www.dassisdreamworld.de http://www.cuchikind.blogspot.de
Tomorrow I will give a resume and my conclusion of the show. Stay tuned.